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Category: DBCC

Emergency Mode in SQL Server

Paul Randal answers a reader question:

I had a blog comment question a few days ago that asked why emergency-mode repair requires the database to be in EMERGENCY mode as well as SINGLE_USER mode.

All repair operations that DBCC CHECKDB (and related commands) performs require the database to be in single-user mode so there’s a guarantee that nothing can be changing while the checks and repairs are done. But that doesn’t change the behavior of what repair does – that needs emergency mode too.

Read on for an explanation of what emergency mode is and why we need it to run CHECKDB repair operations.

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Dealing With CheckDB Error Message 824 Level 24

Steve Stedman has a post on fixing a database which has experienced an incorrect pageid error:

Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 1

SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect pageid (expected 1:2806320; actual 0:0).  It occurred during a read of page (1:xxxxx) in database ID 5 at offset 0x00000xxxxx0000 in file ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\YourDatabaseName.mdf’.  Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

Since this is one of those things that I regularly work with, I thought I would see what other people are saying about this error message, and boy oh boy did I found some crazy and outright damaging suggestions

Steve puts together a bunch of really bad advice and explains why you shouldn’t follow it.  Read the whole thing and listen to Steve’s advice, not the bad advice.

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Dan Guzman shares words of wisdom with using DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS for testing query performance in SQL Server:

One can make the argument that DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS might not be particularly valuable for testing. First, the storage engine in SQL Server Enterprise Edition (or Developer Edition, which is often used when testing) behaves differently with a cold cache versus a warm one. With a warm cache, a page not already in cache (e.g. index seek by primary key) will be fetched from disk using a single 8K page IO request as one expects. However, when the cache isn’t fully warmed up (Buffer Manager’s Target Pages not yet met), the entire 64K extent (8 contiguous 8K pages) is read for the single page request regardless of whether the adjacent pages are actually needed by the query. This has the benefit of warming the cache much more quickly than would otherwise occur, but given that the normal steady state of a production SQL Server is a warm cache, testing with a cold cache isn’t a fair comparison of different plans. More data than normal will be transferred from storage so timings may not be indicative of actual performance.

I don’t think I agree 100% with that argument, but I am sympathetic to it.  Still, Dan has great advice in this post.

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Using DBCC OPTIMIZER_WHATIF To Mimic Production Hardware

Max Vernon has a technique for mimicking production hardware layouts when testing queries in development:

Attempting to debug production performance problems in your development environment can be problematic in many ways, leading to a frustrating troubleshooting experience. One very common situation is the resources on the development environment are substantially less robust than on the production system; for instance prod has 128 GB of RAM, while dev only has 16 GB, prod has 16 cores, while dev only has 4 cores. Unintuitively, this disparity can result in queries running faster in development than in production.

SQL Server has a little-known (and undocumented and unsupported) troubleshooting-related DBCC command that can be used to mimic production resource levels in your development environment. As with all undocumented features, do not try this in production.

Read on to learn how DBCC OPTIMIZER_WHATIF can lead the optimizer to choose different plans.  I almost never use this command, but it is helpful to have it in your back pocket.

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Diagnosing Database Corruption

Jeff Mlakar has started a series on database corruption.  His first post involves finding corruption:

The cause lies in layers below SQL Server. The most common are hardware faults; in particular, issues with the I/O Subsystem. Any component in the I/O Subsystem can fail and be the cause of database corruption: disks, controllers, CPU, memory, network switch, network cables, SAN, etc.

Database corruption cannot entirely be prevented. It is not a matter of if but rather when

Disks go bad. So do NICs, cables, routers, and everything else physical below the SQL Server Instance. This is why it is important to know that we cannot entirely prevent corruption – only deal with and mitigate it.

Click through for a few ways to find potential corruption.

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How Far Along Is That CHECKDB?

Steve Stedman shows us how to get percentage complete of a DBCC CHECKDB run:

You have a DBCC CHECKDB script running, something like the following, and it may take several hours to run to confirm if there is any corruption in your SQL Server Database.


Then someone asks you the age old question… When will it be done?

Click through for a quick script and the answer.

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Restoration And That CHECKDB Message

Mike Fal investigates an interesting message in the SQL Server error log after a database restoration:

Recently I was doing some work with a friend around some database restores. It was pretty routine stuff. However, after one restore my friend came across something in the SQL Error Log that caught him by surprise. As part of the restore, there was a CHECKDB message for the restored database:

My friend’s first reaction was “why is SQL Server doing a DBCC CHECKDB as part of the restore?” He was concerned, because CHECKDB is a pretty hefty operation and this could really impact the restore time if he had to wait on a CHECKDB to complete. But the other confusing thing was that the date for the CHECKDB didn’t match up with the restore timing.

Click through to learn the answer.

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Why CHECKDB Repair Invalidates Replication

Paul Randal explains why running DBCC CHECKDB on a published article will cause subscriptions to become invalidated:

Whenever I’m teaching and recovering from corruption, I always stress that if the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option of DBCC CHECKDB (which I’ll just call ‘repair’ from now on) has to be used, you should do the following:

  • Run another DBCC CHECKDB to make sure that repair fixed everything and no new problems were exposed (by the repair fixing something that was blocking DBCC CHECKDB‘s access to a portion of the database)
  • Run DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS on any tables or indexes that were repaired and are involved in constraints (stated in Books Online too)
  • Reinitialize any replication subscriptions that are based on tables that were repaired (stated in Books Online too)
  • Reevaluate your HA/DR strategy so you don’t have to use repair again in future

One question I’m often asked is about why replication can be broken by running repair.

Read on for the answer.

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Andy Galbraith has a script to track the outputs of DBCC MEMORYSTATUS over a time period:

Running this statement interactively doesn’t return any data – it just loads the data into DBADatabase.dbo.DBCCMemoryStatus.  Running the commented-out SELECT at the bottom of the script as written will query that table for all rows of counter VM Reserved (virtual memory reserved) but there is much more data than that available if you modify the SELECT.

This query can be dropped into a SQL Agent job step as is and it will run – just like the interactive run it will create the database and permanent table if they don’t exist and then store those nuggets of data into the permanent table for later use – you never know when you may need them!

Click through for the script.

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