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Category: Data Science

Online Learning Algorithms

Xin Hunt describes the benefits of online learning algorithms:

A few examples of classical online learning algorithms include recursive least squares, stochastic gradient descent and multi-armed bandit algorithms like Thompson sampling. Many online algorithms (including recursive least squares and stochastic gradient descent) have offline versions. These online algorithms are usually developed after the offline version, and are designed for better scaling with large datasets and streaming data. Algorithms like Thompson sampling on the other hand, do not have offline counterparts, because the problems they solve are inherently online.

Let’s look at interactive ad recommendation systems as an example. You’ll find ads powered by these systems when you browse popular publications, weather sites and social media networks. These recommendation systems build customer preference models by tracking your shopping and browsing activities (ad clicking, wish list updates and purchases, for example). Due to the transient nature of shopping behaviors, new recommendations must reflect the most recent activities. This makes online learning a natural choice for these systems.

My favorite online learning algorithm at the moment is Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithms.  Not just because that name describes my Twitter feed.

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Installing The Azure ML Workbench

Leila Etaati walks us through setting up the Azure ML workbench:

In Microsoft ignite 2017, Azure ML team announce new on-premises tools for doing machine learning. this tools much more comprehensive as it provides

1- a workspace helps data wrangling

2- Data Visualization

3-Easy to deploy

4-Support Python codes

in this post and next posts, I will share my experiment with working this tools.

Click through for the step-by-step installation guide.

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Unsupervised Decision Trees

William Vorhies describes what unsupervised decision trees are:

In anomaly detection we are attempting to identify items or events that don’t match the expected pattern in the data set and are by definition rare.  The traditional ‘signature based’ approach widely used in intrusion detection systems creates training data that can be used in normal supervised techniques.  When an attack is detected the associated traffic pattern is recorded and marked and classified as an intrusion by humans.  That data then combined with normal data creates the supervised training set.

In both supervised and unsupervised cases decision trees, now in the form of random forests are the weapon of choice.  Decision trees are nonparametric; they don’t make an assumption about the distribution of the data.  They’re great at combining numeric and categoricals, and handle missing data like a champ.  All types of anomaly data tend to be highly dimensional and decision trees can take it all in and offer a reasonably clear guide for pruning back to just what’s important.

To be complete, there is also category of Semi-Supervised anomaly detection in which the training data consists only of normal transactions without any anomalies.  This is also known as ‘One Class Classification’ and uses one class SVMs or autoencoders in a slightly different way not discussed here.

Interesting reading.  I’d had no idea that unsupervised decision trees were even a thing.

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Stop Using word2vec

Chris Moody wants you to stop using word2vec:

When I started playing with word2vec four years ago I needed (and luckily had) tons of supercomputer time. But because of advances in our understanding of word2vec, computing word vectors now takes fifteen minutes on a single run-of-the-mill computer with standard numerical libraries. Word vectors are awesome but you don’t need a neural network – and definitely don’t need deep learning – to find them. So if you’re using word vectors and aren’t gunning for state of the art or a paper publication then stop using word2vec.

Chris has a follow-up post on word tensors as well:

There’s only three steps to computing word tensors. Counting word-word-document skipgrams, normalizing those counts to form the PMI-like M tensor and then factorizing M into smaller matrices.

But to actually perform the factorization we’ll need to generalize the SVD to higher rank tensors 1. Unfortunately, tensor algebra libraries aren’t very common 2. We’ve written one for non-negative sparse tensor factorization, but because the PMI can be both positive and negative it isn’t applicable here. Instead, for this application I’d recommend HOSVD as implemented in scikit-tensor. I’ve also heard good things about tensorly.

I’m going to keep using word2vec for now, but it’s a good pair of posts.

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Unintentional Data

Eric Hollingsworth describes data science as the cost of collecting data approaches zero:

Thankfully not only have modern data analysis tools made data collection cheap and easy, they have made the process of exploratory data analysis cheaper and easier as well. Yet when we use these tools to explore data and look for anomalies or interesting features, we are implicitly formulating and testing hypotheses after we have observed the outcomes. The ease with which we are now able to collect and explore data makes it very difficult to put into practice even basic concepts of data analysis that we have learned — things such as:

  • Correlation does not imply causation.
  • When we segment our data into subpopulations by characteristics of interest, members are not randomly assigned (rather, they are chosen deliberately) and suffer from selection bias.
  • We must correct for multiple hypothesis tests.
  • We ought not dredge our data.

All of those principles are well known to statisticians, and have been so for many decades. What is newer is just how cheap it is to posit hypotheses. For better and for worse, technology has led to a democratization of data within organizations. More people than ever are using statistical analysis packages and dashboards, explicitly or more often implicitly, to develop and test hypotheses.

This is a thoughtful essay well worth reading.

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Measuring Semantic Relatedness

Sandipan Dey re-works a university assignment on semantic relatedness in Python:

Let’s define the semantic relatedness of two WordNet nouns x and y as follows:

  • A = set of synsets in which x appears
  • B = set of synsets in which y appears
  • distance(x, y) = length of shortest ancestral path of subsets A and B
  • sca(x, y) = a shortest common ancestor of subsets A and B

This is the notion of distance that we need to use to implement the distance() and sca() methods in the WordNet data type.

It looks like a helpful assignment for understanding natural language processing a little better.

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Linear Discriminant Analysis

Jake Hoare explains Linear Discriminant Analysis:

Linear Discriminant Analysis takes a data set of cases (also known as observations) as input. For each case, you need to have a categorical variable to define the class and several predictor variables (which are numeric). We often visualize this input data as a matrix, such as shown below, with each case being a row and each variable a column. In this example, the categorical variable is called “class” and the predictive variables (which are numeric) are the other columns.

Following this is a clear example of how to use LDA.  This post is also the second time this week somebody has suggested The Elements of Statistical Learning, so I probably should make time to look at the book.

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Bayesian Nonparametric Models

Luba Belokon asked Vadim Smolyakov to explain Bayesian Nonparametric models and here’s the result:

Bayesian Nonparametrics are a class of models for which the number of parameters grows with data. A simple example is non-parametric K-means clustering [1]. Instead of fixing the number of clusters K, we let data determine the best number of clusters. By letting the number of model parameters (cluster means and covariances) grow with data, we are better able to describe the data as well as generate new data given our model.

Of course, to avoid over-fitting, we penalize the number of clusters K via a regularization parameter which controls the rate at which new clusters are created. 

This is an interesting discussion of the Dirichlet process, particularly as applied to K-mean clustering.  It helps you figure out your best choice for K, no small task.

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Linear Regression With Deducer

Sunil Kappal demonstrates how to use Deducer, a GUI for R, to perform a simple linear regression:

Selecting the variables in the Deducer GUI:

  • Outcome variable: Y, or the dependent variable, should be put on this list

  • As numeric: Independent variables that should be treated as covariates should be put in this section. Deducer automatically converts a factor into a numeric variable, so make sure that the order of the factor level is correct

  • As factor: Categorically independent variables (language, ethnicity, etc.).

  • Weights: This option allows the users to apply sampling weights to the regression model.

  • Subset: Helps to define if the analysis needs to be done within a subset of the whole dataset.

Deducer is open source and looks like a pretty decent way of seeing what’s available to you in R.

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R And Python: Two Growing Languages

David Smith notes that as fast as Python is growing, R is as well:

Python has been getting some attention recently for its impressive growth in usage. Since both R and Python are used for data science, I sometimes get asked if R is falling by the wayside, or if R developers should switch course and learn Python. My answer to both questions is no.

First, while Python is an excellent general-purpose data science tool, for applications where comparative inference and robust predictions are the main goal, R will continue to be the prime repository of validated statistical functions and cutting-edge research for a long time to come. Secondly, R and Python are both top-10 programming languages, and while Python has a larger userbase, R and Python are both growing rapidly — and at similar rates.

I had a discussion about this last night.  I like the language diversity:  R is more statistician-oriented, whereas Python is more developer-oriented.  They both can solve the same set of problems, but there are certainly cases where one beats the other.  I think Python will end up being the more popular language for data science because of the number of application developers moving into the space, but for the data analysts and academicians moving to this field, R will likely remain the more interesting language.

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