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Author: Kevin Feasel


Jonathan Kehayias traces out the cause of CLR_MANUAL_EVENT waits on SQL Server:

The fact that no data has been collected for this type throughout a good cross-section of their customers really confirmed for me that this isn’t something that is commonly a problem, so I was intrigued by the fact that this specific workload was now exhibiting problems with this wait. I wasn’t sure where to go to further investigate the issue so I replied to the email saying I was sorry that I couldn’t help further because I didn’t have any idea what would be causing literally dozens of threads performing spatial queries to all of sudden start having to wait for 2-4 seconds at a time on this wait type.

A day later, I received a kind follow-up email from the person that asked the question that informed me that they had resolved the problem. Indeed, nothing in the actual application workload had changed, but there was a change to the environment that occurred. A third-party software package was installed on all of the servers in their infrastructure by their security team, and this software was collecting data at five-minute intervals and causing the .NET garbage collection processing to run incredibly aggressively and “go nuts” as they said. Armed with this information and some of my past knowledge of .NET development I decided I wanted to play around with this some and see if I could reproduce the behavior and how we could go about troubleshooting the causes further.

Read the whole thing if you use CLR.

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Generating Dynamic Powershell With Script Blocks

Shane O’Neill walks us through the concept of script blocks in Powershell:

…recently, I ran into an issue in PowerShell that, if it had been in SQL, I would have solved it quite handily with some Dynamic SQL.

Alas, this is PowerShell” I thought to myself. “And there is no way that one knows of that one can create dynamic commands that can be built up itself!“.

Now, there is two things that you have to realise for when I’m thinking to myself:

  1. I think more fancy that I am in real life, and
  2. I’m nearly always wrong!

So please see below for my example problem and the “dynamic PowerShell” created to overcome the issue!

Check it out, and then imagine how to perform Powershell injection.

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T-SQL Tuesday 104 Roundup

Bert Wagner reviews the entries for T-SQL Tuesday 104:

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic asked “What code would you hate to live without?” Turns out you like using script and code to automate boring, repetitive, and error-prone tasks.

Thank you to everyone who participated; I was nervous that July holidays and summer vacations would stunt turnout, however we wound up with 42 posts!

Watch for next month’s topic and consider signing up to host.

Read on for the 42 submissions.

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Obfuscating Continuous Variables

Phil Factor continues his series on data obfuscation:

Imagine that you have a table giving invoice values. You will want your spoof data to conform with the same ups and downs of the real data over time. You may be able to get the overall distribution the same as the real data, but the resulting data would be useless for seeing the effect of last years sales promotion. The invoice values will depend on your sales promotions if your marketing people have done their job properly.

By making your data the same distribution as your production data, you don’t necessarily get the same strategy chosen by the query analyser, but you dramatically increase the chances of getting it. SQL Server uses a complex paradigm to select amongst its alternative plans for a query. It maintains distribution statistics for every column and index that is used for selecting rows. These aren’t actually histograms in the classic sense, but they perform a similar function and are used by the SQL Server engine to predict the number of rows that will be returned.

The focus is on independent variables, though there is a little bit at the end about working with dependencies.

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Relationships In Power BI

Teo Lachev shows us the importance of defining relationships in Power BI:

However, If there isn’t a direct relationship between ResellerSales and Employee, the moment you add an unsummarized field from the second table on the many side, such as Employee[FullName] after adding SalesTerritoryCountry and ResellerSales[SalesOrderNumber), you’ll get the error “Error: Can’t determine relationships between the fields”.

Solution: Interestingly, the report works fine if a summarized field, such as COUNT(Employee[EmployeeKey]) is used. In this case, the SalesTerritory dimension acts as a conformed dimension joined to two fact tables. The reason why it doesn’t work when Employee[FullName] is added is because there is no aggregation on the Employee table and the relationship between ResellerSales[SalesOrderNumber] and Employee[FullName] becomes Many:Many over SalesTerritory which is now a bridge table. One employee may be associated with multiple sales and a sale can be associated with multiple employees. How do we solve this horrible problem?

Good data modeling is important, and Power BI dashboards are no exception to the rule.

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Building TensorFlow Neural Networks On Spark With Keras

Jules Damji has an example of using the PyCharm IDE to use Keras to build TensorFlow neural network models on the Databricks MLflow library:

Our example in the video is a simple Keras network, modified from Keras Model Examples, that creates a simple multi-layer binary classification model with a couple of hidden and dropout layers and respective activation functions. Binary classification is a common machine learning task applied widely to classify images or text into two classes. For example, an image is a cat or dog; or a tweet is positive or negative in sentiment; and whether mail is spam or not spam.

But the point here is not so much to demonstrate a complex neural network model as to show the ease with which you can develop with Keras and TensorFlow, log an MLflow run, and experiment—all within PyCharm on your laptop.

Click through for the video and explanation of the process.

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Scatterplots For Multivariate Analysis

Neil Saunders declutters a complicated visual with a simple scatterplot:

Sydney’s congestion at ‘tipping point’ blares the headline and to illustrate, an interactive chart with bars for city population densities, points for commute times and of course, dual-axes.

Yuck. OK, I guess it does show that Sydney is one of three cities that are low density, but have comparable average commute times to higher-density cities. But if you’re plotting commute time versus population density…doesn’t a different kind of chart come to mind first? y versus x. C’mon.

Let’s explore.

Simple is typically better, and that adage holds here.

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Calculating Future Revenue Streams With Phasing

Matt Allington walks us through a somewhat complicated scenario with income stream projections but inconsistent monthly payout rates:

The first thing I decided to do was work out which was the first month of the policy.  I used LOOKUPVALUE to do this because the Calendar table was not connected to the policy table.  Instead of returning the actual month name, I returned the unique MonthID from my calendar table.  I ALWAYS load a unique MonthID in my calendar tables as they are REALLY useful. In short this column is an integer, starting at 1 and incrementing by 1 for each month in the table.  So starting in Jan, after 3 full years the MonthID will be 36.

Pol First Month = LOOKUPVALUE ( 'Calendar'[Month Index], 'Calendar'[Date], MAX ( Policies[Pol Date] )

After writing this measure (and all subsequent measures), I placed the measure in the pivot table shown below.  This pivot table has the policy date from the policy table on rows and the YYMM from the Calendar table on columns.  I did this for a very important reason. I knew this would be the way I needed to see the final results and therefore I needed to make sure all measures returned the expected outcome once this layout was used.  And don’t think I wrote the all the formulas correctly to achieve this outcome the first time.  In fact I made plenty of mistakes.  But the point is I wouldn’t have known they were mistakes if I didn’t place the result in a pivot table like the one below.

It’s a good example of breaking apart a fairly complicated concept and rethinking equations as set operations in DAX.

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Creating An Inline Table-Valued Function In SQL Server

Jeanne Combrinck looks at inline table-valued functions in SQL Server:

Lets start off with what is a table-valued function (TVF)? A TVF is a dynamic table produced at the time of execution, depending on parameters. Like a view, a TVF creates a result set only when it’s executed, but, unlike a view, it can be parameterized.

You get two types of TVFs, an Inline Table-Valued Function (ITVFs) and Multi-statement Table-Valued Function (MTVFs). I find them easy to remember, think of the “I” in ITVF as 1 (single statement) and the “M” in MTVF as “many” (multiple statements).

As you can imagine, a TVF produces a result set that can be used as a virtual table or view. Yes, you can actually select data from a TVF, or join it with some other tables, views, or even other TVFs. In this post I will go into more detail on ITVFs.

In my experience, the best part about using inline table-valued function is the 3-9x performance improvement you get when removing them and inlining their code.  It’s a great idea but the performance cost is just too high for me.

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