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A Cheat Sheet for Joins

Erik Darling does the academically correct thing and makes all of his joins CROSS JOINS and then performs all filters in the WHERE clause:

Think of your standard CRUD operations. Most don’t even require a join; they’re very straightforward. And hey, if you completely denormalize all your data to one huge table, you’ll never have to think about a lot of this stuff anyway.

It’s only when developers are forced to think about things that things start to go wrong. I don’t mean to pick on developers specifically. It’s the human condition. Thinking often leads to poor choices.

In this post, I’m going to give you some basic guidance on when to use various T-SQL facilities, based on years of finding, fixing, and writing queries.

You get a free second quotation because I love this line:

I’m not going to talk about right outer joins, because that’s the foolish domain of characterless buffoons who use Venn diagrams to explain join results.

If I were emotionally capable of crying, that would bring a tear to my eye because it’s savagery against two things I hate.