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Counting Path Elements in T-SQL

Steven Sanderson switches over to T-SQL for a bit:

Yesterday I was working on a project that required me to create a SQL query to generate a table of accounts receivables pathways. I thought it would be interesting to share the SQL code I wrote for this task. The code is as follows:

Click through for the code. I was playing a bit of code golf in my mind, seeing how I might modify things. One big example would be to replace the STUFF() + FOR XML PATH combo with STRING_AGG(), assuming the SQL Server instance is 2017 or later, or if the database is in Azure SQL DB or SQL MI. The count of a specific character is an interesting approach, and this is the first time I’ve had to wonder why there isn’t a helper function in T-SQL to do that. But considering that this is the first time I’ve had to ask that question, maybe that’s an answer in itself.