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Password Handling in Powershell Automation Scripts

Ajay Dwivedi gives us a tip:

I have been writing automations using PowerShell for many years now. One common issue I notice with people’s code is the improper handling of passwords. In this blog, I share how to set up a Credential Manager on a SQLServer and use the same for handling passwords in automation.

To setup Credential Manager, we need to download and execute the following steps using scripts from my Github repo SQLMonitor.

One point I’d like to clarify in Ajay’s scripts is that the passwords in the database aren’t hashed. Hashing is a one-way operation, so you’d never be able to decrypt it with a passphrase. The password is encrypted and the passphrase isn’t a salt—salts are a way of making a hash unique from the plaintext to prevent multiple users with the same plaintext password from having the same salt. Encryption instead of hashing is the correct answer here because you need the plaintext of the password to perform the automated operation.

As for ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE(), it’s okay if you’re running SQL Server 2017 or later. For 2016 and earlier, it uses Triple DES with 128 bit key length and that’s no good.

I’d also look into the Powershell SecretStore module and possibly integrate into an existing key vault if you have one.