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Day: December 11, 2023

Databricks Security Analysis Tool

Advait Bhadane takes a look at a tool:

In today’s data-driven world a cutting-edge platform is required that seamlessly integrates with the cloud, embraces open-source innovation and prioritises robust data security. Databricks is a pioneer in this field. Not only does it provide a unified lake house platform, but it takes data protection to the next level with its Security Analysis Tool (SAT).

In this blog, we will unravel the power of Databricks’ SAT, focusing on the pivotal role it plays in generating daily health reports for your workspaces. It will also walk you through the step-by-step process of setting SAT in your workspace.

Click through to see what this tool can do for you.

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Goodbye, Ask SQLServerCentral

Thomas Rushton gives Ask SQLServerCentral a Viking funeral:

When I started out as a full-time DBA back in 2010, it was the first Q&A site I found that was active, friendly, and easy to use.

It differs from the main SQLServerCentral Q&A boards by not being broken down into questions relating to a particular version of SQL Server, and a particular aspect of that version. This makes it easier for someone to just ask a question without worrying about if their question is going to the right place. A great benefit to those new to the scene.

Right around the time Thomas started, I was also getting into it and was active for a couple of years until a job change made it tougher for me to dedicate the time. I appreciate everything the crew did for so long, especially because it was a really good alternative to a dedicated Stack Exchange site for databases (which I think had officially started after Ask SQLServerCentral).

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An Overview of Lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric

Kevin Chant invites you to a swank lakhouse:

By the end of this post, you will have a good overview of Microsoft Fabric Data Lakehouses, including CI/CD options. In addition, where your SQL Server background can prove to be useful and where some Power BI knowledge can come in handy.

Plus, I share plenty of links in this post. For instance, there are a couple of useful resources to help you get started towards the bottom of this post.

Click through for the article.

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Random Number Generation in T-SQL

Andy Yun has a method:

This is a quick blog to “document” a T-SQL technique for generating random numbers. I’ve been using this for years, but don’t use it frequently enough to have it fully memorized. So whenever I do need it, I must constantly have to go look up whenever I need to use it.

Click through for Andy’s method. This will generate random numbers based on a uniform distribution: the likelihood of getting any value in the range is equal. If you want to build out some data that approximates a normal distribution, I have a blog post for that.

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Formatting Your Stored Procedure Code

Erik Darling takes a tour of the land mine garden:

When you think about formatting code, you probably think primarily of organizing a single query so that it’s inoffensive to civilized society.

But you should also apply this to your code as a whole, too. People who use words wrong will call this “holistic”.

I won’t get too deep into level of agreement here (probably about 60-70% of Erik’s list I can agree on), but I do argue that the best standards are the ones your team agrees on. It’s frustrating seeing hairball messes of T-SQL. Especially when developers’ non-SQL code looks a lot neater.

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