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Day: July 14, 2023

Optimizing for Readability or Performance

Hugo Kornelis talks trade-offs:

But I wanted to contribute anyway. So here is a recent example of code that probably would have made me feel a way if I had been the type of person that gets emotional over code. Or put differently, here is the story of how I gained performance by reducing readability and maintainability.

For the record, and to prevent confusion, I am not going to name actual customers, nor name the ERP system used, and the description I give is highly abstracted away from the original problem, and heavily simplified as well. I describe the basis of what the issue was with the code I encountered and how I fixed it, but without revealing any protected information.

My internal motto is:

  • Start with simple, readable code
  • Move to more complex, faster performance in spots which are necessary
  • Document why the code is more complex with illuminating comments, so that way a future developer (including future you) won’t say, “What was this yokel thinking, doing this complicated thing when there’s an easy approach like this?”
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Using the Azure Data Factory Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

Chen Hirsh hosts a runtime:

In Azure data factory (ADF), An integration runtime is a compute resource to run your pipelines on. When you run an application on your computer, it uses the computer resources, such as CPU and memory, to run its tasks. When you run activities in a pipeline in ADF, they also need resources to do their job, like copying data or writing a file, and these are provided by the integration runtime.

When you create an instance of ADF, you get a default integration runtime, hosted in the same region that you created ADF in. If you need, you can add your own integration runtimes, either on Azure, or you can download and install a self-hosted integration runtime (SHIR) on your own server.

Read on to understand when you would want to use a self-hosted integration runtime and the process to do so. This SHIR also applies to Synapse pipelines and is one of the few ways to move data out of a Synapse workspace with data exfiltration protection enabled.

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Security Concepts: Who? and Where?

Kenneth Fisher is trying to figure out where he left his keys:

I was having a conversation with some friends the other day and Jen McCown (blog|twitter) asked about SQL Server security references and “What’s something that’s really difficult in SQL Server Security.” As happens sometimes I started thinking about this in the back of my head and I realized something. The two absolute hardest things that people run into with security (at least in my ever so humble opinion) are

  • Who: or Who am I when I try to access a resource?
  • Where: or Where am I when I try to access a resource? And Where is that resource?

Read on for Kenneth’s thoughts.

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