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Day: July 26, 2023

The Lakehouse is (Still) Not Enough

Nikola Ilic needs more than a lakehouse:

In the previous parts of the Data Modeling for mere mortals series, we examined traditional approaches to data modeling, with focus on dimensional modeling and Star schema importance for business intelligence scenarios. Now, it’s time to introduce the concept of the modern data platform.

As usual, let’s take a more tool-agnostic approach and learn about some of the key characteristics of the modern data estate. Please, don’t mind if I use some of the latest buzzwords related to this topic, but I promise to reduce their usage as much as possible. 

Lakehouses are getting closer to being good enough, but the performance needs to be there, especially if you eventually have virtual data warehouses sitting on top of lakehouse data to deal with the need for structured fact-dimensional data for reporting tools.

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T-SQL Tuesday 164 Roundup

Erik Darling is stuck on a feeling:

For this most recent T-SQL Tuesday, I challenged bloggers (using the term challenge weakly here) to think of the last time code they saw made them feel a feeling.

I wasn’t terribly specific about what kind of feelings were in play, and so I kind of expected some negative ones to creep in. Most of the results were overwhelmingly positive.

Click through for Erik’s round-up of entrants.

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Testing a Database Restoration

Kevin Hill fixes a problem:

Pain Point: Something bad happened and you need to restore a SQL Server database.

Pain Point you didn’t know you had: The backup files are all corrupt due a problem with the storage subsystem.

A backup is only as good as the last time you tested its restoration. Kevin shows just how easy it is to perform this test using DBATools.

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SQL Agent History on Azure SQL Managed Instances

Kenneth Fisher goes back in time:

The defaults for saving SQL Agent Job history are ok (at best), so you should probably check and update them if needed. Sadly, if you are using a Managed Instance this isn’t an option.

SQL Managed Instance currently doesn’t allow you to change any SQL Agent properties because they are stored in the underlying registry values.

That’s a real kick in the pants. Still, Kenneth shows us (via Jovan Popovic) a workaround to store the job history someplace else.

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