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Month: June 2023

Dynamic Data Masking and Formatted Text

Ben Johnston attacks masked strings in different formats:

Clearly this is NOT a suggestion for how you might break the text but is far more of an exercise to show you how a bad actor may attempt to look at your data in ways that would generally not cause red flags.

It is especially important to reinforce the sentiment that Dynamic Data Masking less of a security tool to prevent attacks, but more to hide data from general viewing, and as a tool for building applications where the data still is accessible in some scenarios and not others.

Click through for several examples. As I like to say (over and over), dynamic data masking only works until users get access to write arbitrary queries against a system. If they’re accessing data through an app or via stored procedure calls only, then it be a reasonable part of a broader security posture.

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Decluttering a Dual-Axis Chart

Amy Esselman only needs one Y axis:

You may be confused and overwhelmed at first. Dual-axis graphs like this are inherently challenging. Whether you call them dual-axis graphs, combo charts, or secondary y-axis graphs, they always demand extra effort from a reader to figure out which data series to read against which vertical axis. 

Click through for a variety of ways to improve a busy dual-axis chart.

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Generating Random Data in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie generates some random data:

One of the many things that the business team asks me to do is to create random-ish data. Thankfully, in Snowflake, there are many ways to make this happen. Today, I want to go thru just a few of them.

Perhaps the one that most people are familiar with is making Snowflake create a random number.

Click through for initial coverage of the RANDOM() function, as well as how you can generate data across a uniform distribution over a given range.

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Preliminary Thoughts on Microsoft Fabric in Preview

Reitse Eskens shares some initial thoughts:

So, these preliminary opinions I’m offering now are based on the preview I’ve worked with and will keep on working with.

That’s the first observation, I’ll keep on working with this. Why? To be honest I think it’s a step forward from the Data Factory, Synapse, PowerBI experience. Everything together in one product makes life easier. Even though I’m having a really hard time adopting to the interface. I keep selecting the wrong buttons to get stuff done. Then again, only being able to do this after working hours and during the weekend may have something to do with that. But making the interface a little more intuitive would really help me.

Read on for what Reitse has to share so far.

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Preventing Accidental Azure Changes with Resource Locks

Khushbu Ghandi puts a padlock on it:

Resource locks are just locks that we can associate to different scopes in Azure allowing us to override permissions at that resource scope and down. When we talk about the scope of the resource lock, we can lock subscriptions, we can lock resource groups and individual resources, and the lock restrictions that we have based off the type of lock we select will apply to all users and roles that have access to that resource. Also, it’s worth noting that locks are inherited by child resources. So, if we apply a lock on a subscription, it is inherited by all the resource groups that have been created under that subscription along with the resources that will be created under the resource groups.

Resource locks come with their own considerations, and Khushbu dives into those. This is a concept I like more in theory than in practice, save for pretty stable systems where you keep things running 24/7.

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When Statistics Updates Happen

Matthew McGiffen gives us the numbers:

SQL Server has had the ability to automatically update statistics since version 7.0. Nonetheless for a long part of my career working with SQL Server, whenever a performance issue raised its head everyone’s knee-jerk response would be “Update Statistics!” In most cases though the people shouting that didn’t really understand what the “Statistics” were, or what mechanisms might already be in place for keeping them up to date.

Of course SQL Server isn’t perfect and sometimes it is helpful for human intelligence to intervene. But to provide intelligent intervention one has to understand how things work.

Read on to learn what triggers automatic stats updates in various versions of SQL Server.

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Context and Auditors

Martin Schoombee shares a learning experience:

When you’re young and inexperienced you may have the determination to succeed (read: youthful exuberance), but the lack of experience (or understanding of the context) may get you in a lot of trouble because you may see something as black or white when in reality it’s a shade of grey.

This story is how my inexperience (almost) got me into a whole heap of trouble, and how it defined the rest of my career.

Read on for Martin’s story. Some advice I received early in my career is, give the auditors exactly what they ask for, no more and no less. Don’t assume they have detailed technical expertise—some do, but many don’t. And don’t assume they have the full story—they have what you’re saying and (typically) a built-in assumption that you’re soft-shoeing them.

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Stopping a Resumable Index

Andrea Allred doesn’t want that index to resume:

It had been building for about 10 minutes, when I realized I had the fields in the wrong order. No big deal, I just canceled it, corrected it and tried to start it again. “Tried” was the keyword here. I got an error because I had set RESUMABLE = ON but hadn’t properly cleared it out of the system. I started to furiously dig through articles about how to clear out an index that was resumable but had been canceled.

Read on to see what Andrea found.

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Bootstrap Resampling in R

Steven Sanderson makes a list and checks it twice (or n number of times with replacement):

Bootstrap resampling is a powerful technique used in statistics and data analysis to estimate the uncertainty of a statistic by repeatedly sampling from the original data. In R, we can easily implement a bootstrap function using the lapply, rep, and sample functions. In this blog post, we will explore how to write a bootstrap function in R and provide an example using the “mpg” column from the popular “mtcars” dataset.

Read on for the process.

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