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Day: June 8, 2023

Unpivoting Data in R

Steven Sanderson shows off a function with a slightly confusing name:

In the world of data analysis and manipulation, tidying and reshaping data is often an essential step. R’s tidyr library provides powerful tools to efficiently transform and reshape data. One such function is pivot_longer(). In this blog post, we’ll explore how pivot_longer() works and demonstrate its usage through several examples. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use this function to make your data more manageable and insightful.

The slight confusion is that this function is really unpivoting rather than pivoting. In R terminology, a pivot takes you from longer data to wider data: it uses some function to convert data from N rows * M columns to n*m, where N > n and M < m. Unpivoting does the opposite and I personally like that terminology better than “pivot wider” or “pivot longer.”

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Using SHAP to Gauge Geographic Effects in R or Python

Michael Mayer runs an analysis:

This is the next article in our series “Lost in Translation between R and Python”. The aim of this series is to provide high-quality R and Python code to achieve some non-trivial tasks. If you are to learn R, check out the R tab below. Similarly, if you are to learn Python, the Python tab will be your friend.

This post is heavily based on the new {shapviz} vignette.

I appreciate the effort to include both R and Python code in this analysis, and recommend you peruse both sets of code listings.

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Creating a Hierarchy for Power BI Field Parameters

Gilbert Quevauvilliers needs a simpler method for navigation:

I was working with a customer where they had a lot of measures which they wanted to use with the awesome Field parameters for measures.

The challenge was that there was a LOT of measures, and I wanted to see if there was a way to create a hierarchy in my field parameters so that it would be easier to find the measure.

Click through to see how you can group field parameters.

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Speeding up a Power BI Report via Constant Line

Nikola Ilic tries something different:

Essentially, the idea here is, since these four lines are not changing based on the numbers in the visual itself (they have constant value based on the slicer selection), to leverage the Constant line feature from the Analytics panel. Since no Constant line is available with Line and clustered column chart visual, let’s duplicate our visual and change its type to a regular Clustered column chart.

This is a good reminder that the best outcome isn’t always the most straightforward one.

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Updating Database Mail Settings via SP

Chad Callihan doesn’t have time for the UI:

If you need to make changes to multiple servers, you may want to avoid the GUI approach and all of the clicks that come with it. In that case, msdb contains a stored procedure called sysmail_update_account_sp that might be a more efficient approach. Let’s take a quick look at sysmail_update_account_sp and what it can do for you.

Read on to see how the procedure works and what you can do.

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