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Day: June 26, 2023

Repetition in R with rep()

Steven Sanderson shows off a function in R:

As a programmer, you’re constantly faced with the need to repeat tasks efficiently. Repetition is a fundamental concept in programming, and R provides a powerful tool to accomplish this: the rep() function. In this blog post, we will explore the syntax of the rep() function and delve into several examples to showcase its versatility and practical applications. Whether you’re working with data manipulation, generating sequences, or creating repeated patterns, rep() will become your go-to function for mastering repetition in R.

Read on for the basic syntax, as well as several examples of how to use the rep() function.

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Trying the Azure OpenAI Playground

Obaro Alordiah gives us a primer:

The Azure OpenAI Service has been a trending topic in the tech world this year as it combines the power of OpenAI’s advanced generative AI models with the comprehensive suite of services available on the Azure cloud. It has given developers the opportunity to create and embed high performing AI models into the Azure environment to deliver more efficient, insightful & innovative solutions. In this blog, we will take a high level look at some of the key features within the Azure OpenAI playground and how we can get the best out of it.

Generative AI via OpenAI is an area in which Microsoft is putting an inordinate amount of focus.

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A Review of Fabric Lakehouse

Teo Lachev talks lakehouses:

The Microsoft’s Lakehouse definition is less ambitious and exclusive. “Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse is a data architecture platform for storing, managing, and analyzing structured and unstructured data in a single location. It is a flexible and scalable solution that allows organizations to handle large volumes of data using a variety of tools and frameworks to process and analyze that data. It integrates with other data management and analytics tools to provide a comprehensive solution for data engineering and analytics”. In other words, a lakehouse is whatever you want it to be if you want something better than a data lake.

Read on for Teo’s classic The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly format.

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Loading Multiple Audit Log Files in Azure SQL DB

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz can’t stop at one:

In Azure SQL Database, the auditing feature enables you to track and monitor database activities, providing valuable insights into the actions performed on your database. One of the key components of auditing is the audit log files, which store the recorded data.

However, when dealing with a large number of audit log files stored in a blob storage container, loading them into Azure SQL Database can be a challenging task.

This article explores a workaround using the sys.fn_get_audit_file function to load multiple audit log files without being able to define a pattern such as *.xel.

Note that, even though the example is for Azure SQL Database, the function is built into SQL Server, SQL Managed Instance, and Synapse dedicated SQL pools as well and works the same way.

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A Simple Example of ADF Pipeline Return Value

Andy Leonard starts easy:

I want to develop an Azure Data Factory (ADF) design pattern for calling focused, unit-of-work, function-y ADF pipelines that perform focused tasks. Some of these “worker pipelines” will need to return values to the calling pipeline.

In this example, I started by reading Mark Kromer‘s (excellent) article titled You can now customize the return value from your pipeline! I then crafted the simple example shown in this post to make sure I understood the principles involved before using pipeline return value (preview) functionality in more robust ADF patterns.

Follow the steps I outline below to build a simple example for an ADF pipeline that returns a value!

Click through to follow those steps.

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