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Day: June 23, 2023

Trying the sample() Function in R

Steven Sanderson gathers a sample:

Sampling is a fundamental technique in data analysis and statistical modeling. It allows us to draw meaningful insights and make inferences about a larger population based on a representative subset. In the world of R programming, the sample() function stands as a versatile tool that enables us to create random samples efficiently. In this post, we will explore the sample() function and its various applications through a series of plain English examples.

Click through for those examples.

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Data Visualization Technology Landscape

Andy Kirk has a catalog:

My long-running catalogue of Data Visualisation Resources has for many years been the most-popular, most-visited, and most-referenced content on my website. For the last couple of years, though, it has been a little stagnant with my limited time preventing the frequent updates it needed.

Having recently completed the migration of my website to a new host and undertaken a wide-spread redesign and restructure, it felt an opportune moment to roll up my sleeves and belatedly spend some time pruning the catalogue of out-dated references and introduce all the new ones that I’d encountered, and bookmarked, but not yet added.

Click through for that, as well as the Chartmaker Directory, which gives you an idea of which visuals are available in which products, as well as examples to see them in action.

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Choosing a Load Balancing Option in Azure

Santosh Hari looks at the options:

Azure docs have a great page on the various load balancing options in Azure that even has an awesome flowchart summing up the choices. However, not being from a networking background, combined with Microsoft’s “special” naming, combined with some sort of memory issue recalling these names from memory meant that even if I had to rely on rote memory when in conversations with customers, I would often mix up the names. For instance, confuse traffic manager and load balancer. So, I decided to understand some of the basics behind cloud load balancers to help become a more interesting conversationalist in this topic: “well actually, you should be using an app gateway there, John”.

This often isn’t in the database administrator’s purview, but Santosh does a good job of explaining the concepts and, if you’re hosted in Azure, it is good to know what’s sitting in front of your database.

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Execution Plans of Graph Tables in SQL Server

Hugo Kornelis looks at the execution plan:

Welcome to part twenty-one of the plansplaining series, where we will continue our look at execution plans for graph queries. In the previous post, we looked at the internal structure of node and edge tables, and discovered that they have a few hidden columns. Now let’s look how those columns are used in graph queries.

Read on for the example and a deeper dive into how graph tables actually work.

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Finding the Actual Error Line in sp_executesql

Thom Andrews solves a problem:

Notice that the error line states line 2 not line 8, which is the line the sys.sp_executesql was called on. Knowing the line the error occured on within the dynamic batch is certainly important, but if you’re working with multiple dynamic batches you have no way of knowing which dynamic batch might have produced the error; was it the one executed on line 100? Line 200? Line 350?

Solving this problem wasn’t wasn’t exactly simple, and it came with a couple of caveats.

Click through for the approach. As Thom mentions, it isn’t perfect, but it is reasonable and interesting.

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