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Clearing Backup History on SQL Server

Rich Benner reminds us to clear that backup history:

One thing we regularly come across with a new client is large system databases. Something that SQL Server should do but doesn’t is clearing up system tables. One of the more common issues is a very large backup history which causes bloat in the msdb database. Let’s find out how to clear backup history.

These tables store information about backups that you have taken, which is extremely useful … for a time. After that useful time, it’s just unnecessary data that is taking up space on your server. There’s a number of related tables that store backup history, and it’s not simple to delete data from them all. Most don’t have dates stored in the table so you have to join them together and make sure you delete in the correct order.

Read on for a built-in procedure, as well as a warning. It’s interesting to see, sometimes, just how much space msdb is taking up with stuff people don’t realize. Backup history is usually one of the offenders, along with SQL Agent history and (especially on pre-2016 instances) SSIS history.