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Month: January 2023

Using the Native Pipe in R 4.1+

Michael Mayer shows off the native R pipe:

What does the pipe do? It puts the object on its left as the first argument into the function on its right: iris %>% head() is a funny way of writing head(iris). It helps to avoid long function chains like f(g(h(x))), or repeated assignments.

In 2021 and version 4.1, R has received its native forward pipe operator |> so that we can write nice code like this:

Tying pipe syntax all back together, the magrittr pipe %>% was (as I recall) built with the F# pipe |> in mind. In R 4.1 and later, the built-in pipe is |>, as is right and natural in this world. Regardless, do check the comment before trying out this code, as it appear to work for R 4.2 and later, though not 4.1.

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Writing Tests with shinytest2

Russ Hyde continues a series on shinytest2:

Here, we will write a simple shiny app (as an R package) and show how to generate tests for this app using {shinytest2}. As discussed in the previous post, {shinytest2} tests your app as if a user was interacting with it in their browser. The tests generated are application-focussed rather than component-focussed and so give some overall guarantees on how the app should behave.

This post is slightly more technical than the last, and assumes that the reader is comfortable with creating and unit-testing packages in R, and with shiny development in general.

Click through to see the code, as well as plenty of explanation.

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Reviewing the Power BI Admin Portal

Reza Rad looks at administrative options:

In the world of Power BI, there are some configurations in the Desktop tool and some on the Service. One of these critical configurations is the Tenant Settings of the Power BI administrator panel. Tenant settings have a list of highly important configurations across your Power BI tenant. If you miss configuring the settings properly, it may result in leaking the data, authorizing people who should not be authorized to see reports and many other catastrophic scenarios. In this article and video, you will learn the configurations available in Tenant settings and the recommended options for each. If you want to learn more about Power BI, read the Power BI book from Rookie to Rock Star.

Click through for a video, as well as a detailed description of what’s available in the admin portal.

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Troubleshooting High I/O Usage on Azure SQL DB

Etienne Lopes troubleshoots a strange issue:

After the downsizing (to GeneralPurpose: Standard-series (Gen5), 2 vCores) occasionally there were timeouts in the application for a very specific task (the command timeout property in the application was set to 30 seconds). Other times the very same task would execute immediately, as it should always, since the underlying query was actually quite simple: a SELECT to a single, although large table (58 GB) but with a predicate that would always result in a perfect index seek to return never more than 300 rows. Furthermore each time there were timeouts, there were also momentary I/O spikes up to 100%:

Read on to learn more about what caused this problem and how Etienne was able to resolve it.

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Defending (Certain) Bad Practices

Aaron Bertrand considers the trade-offs:

For the first T-SQL Tuesday in 2023, Raul Gonzalez invites us to talk about cases where we have knowingly implemented worst practices.

Well, I have done it a lot. Most of the posts in my bad habits series are cautionary tales based on my own “learning the hard way.” There are always trade-offs with doing something correctly – maybe proper design is less efficient, or takes longer to write, or has to pass more checks. Over time, though, you start getting a feel for where it makes sense to cut these corners, and where it doesn’t.

Read on for some practical examples around Stack Overflow.

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Business Continuity with Arc-Enabled Data Services

Warwick Rudd continues a series on Azure Arc-Enabled Data Services. Part 11 covers high availability:

So far in this series of posts, you have been able to deploy and configure your newly provisioned Azure Arc-enabled SQL MI environment. Out of the box you get High Availability without having to do or implement anything.

The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) that is achievable with Azure Arc-enabled Data Services is dependent on the tier you choose to deploy. But regardless of that, this post is only concerned about informing you what you get out of the box with this technology.

Part 12 turns to disaster recovery:

In the previous post, we introduced you to how Azure Arc-enabled SQL MI provides High Availability based on the tier you have deployed.  If your environment requires disaster recovery, regardless of the tier level you have deployed, Azure Arc-enabled Data Services covers the job for you.

Read on to learn more about what options are available and what you need to do.

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Saving Time in Power BI

Allison Kennedy shares a few tips:

I myself still refer back to that blog post whenever I start a new project where there isn’t a date table already in the data source. Below are a few of my other favorite resources that I visited most frequently in 2022.

Click through for the list of posts and the helpful tips they contain therein.

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Replication from 2000 to 2012

Deepthi Gogrui pulls a fast one:

The scenario that I faced was little challenging. We had SQL Server 2012 production server replicating data to a Server 2000 which is used for reporting purposes. Subscriber SQL Server 2000 used by the reporting team were not ready to upgrade the Server as they need to rewrite their entire application as it was using vb6 code. They need a strategy where the data can still be replicated without upgrading the Server.

As I researched, I found that it is not compatible version but planned to test the replication to see if somehow it works. I tested the replication between SQL Server 2012 as a publisher and SQL Server 2000 as subscriber. I was able to setup the transactional replication between the servers for the database but found during the initial initialization snapshot, the ANSI_PADDING setting in the snapshot generated .sch files caused the issue while the distribution job runs. 

Read on for the solution. This turned out to work despite Microsoft’s official guidance that they only support replication between SQL Server instances within two versions of each other.

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Defending Less-than-Ideal Practices

Deborah Melkin has a confession and a defense:

I feel like this is where I should say something like, “Hi, my name is Deborah and I’ve used nolock in production.” I would also have to confess to doing things like using correlated sub queries, not using a foreign key, implemented complicated triggers, etc. I often talk about how the first real SQL script I wrote had cursors running over temp tables in SQL Server 6.5, which I’m fairly certain was one of the first thing I read you were NOT supposed to do. And oh, hello there, denomalized table and dynamic SQL! I’m sure I’ve done more things than this too. These are just the ones I can remember doing, or at least I’m willing to admit in public.

With some of these, the answer is “that’s the best alternative I had at the time.” With correlated sub-queries, I wouldn’t even consider that a bad thing. Granted, I personally prefer a combination of common table expressions and the APPLY operator but that’s usually not for performance reasons.

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