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Day: January 5, 2023

K-Fold Cross-Validation in Python

Shanthababu Pandian gives us a primer on k-fold cross-validation:

In each set (fold) training and the test would be performed precisely once during this entire process. It helps us to avoid overfitting. As we know when a model is trained using all of the data in a single shot and gives the best performance accuracy. Resisting this k-fold cross-validation helps us to build the model as a generalized one.

To achieve this K-Fold Cross Validation, we have to split the data set into three sets, Training, Testing, and Validation, with the challenge of the volume of the data.

Read on for the explanation and an example.

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Converting SSRS Reports to Power BI Paginated Reports

Olivier Van Steenlandt makes a move:

In this blog post, we will be going through the process to convert a Reporting Services report to a Power BI Paginated report and deploy it in the end.

For this blog post, I have created a very basic SSRS report named Product Sales Overview. This report gets his data from an Azure SQL Database which contains the default dummy database (AdventureWorksLT).

Read the whole thing. It makes me wonder, though, if there’s an automated process for doing these conversions, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of reports.

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Power BI Licensing Guide

Reza Rad busts out the calculator:

Licensing in Power BI comes with many options. Understanding which features are included in which licensing plan is always a question for users. In this article and video, you will learn about all the different licensing plans in Power BI, the scenarios for which to use the licensing, and scenarios for which you may need to change your licensing. This article and video are intended to help you to decide the most cost-effective licensing plan for your requirement.

Reza goes into great detail in the post and then answers a lot of questions in the comments as well.

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Cosmos DB to Data Explorer Synapse Link

Vicent-Philippe Lauzon makes an announcement:

We recently made our new Kusto data connection available in public preview:  Cosmos DB to Azure Data Explorer Synapse Link.

This does look like a marketing-heavy announcement but the short version is that you can ingest data from Cosmos DB into Data Explorer pools via Synapse Link rather than creating your own ETL process. The previous Cosmos DB connector for Synapse Link tied to a dedicated SQL pool.

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Finding Unused Indexes on an Instance

Matthew McGiffen goes searching:

The script uses the undocumented sp_MSforeachdb internal stored procedure to iterate through all the databases (excluding the system ones) and store the results of a standard unused indexes script into a temp table. The table can then be queried to analyse the results.

This script comes with a caveat, that the sp_MSforeachdb procedure can be unreliable and on occasion skip databases so you should check that the results include all the databases you are interested in. A simple count of distinct database names, and comparing that against the number of databases on your instance should be sufficient.

That caveat aside (and if you are concerned about it, check out Aaron Bertrand’s sp_foreachdb), click through for the script. I do like that this limits you to just zero-read indexes, as even write-heavy indexes may still be useful.

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