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Month: January 2023

Flink Table Store 0.3

Jingsong Lee announces a new version of Flink Table Store:

Sometimes users only care about aggregated results. The aggregation merge engine aggregates each value field with the latest data one by one under the same primary key according to the aggregate function.

Each field that is not part of the primary keys must be given an aggregate function, specified by the fields.<field-name>.aggregate-function table property.

Read on for the full changeset.

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Networking Options with Azure SQL DB

Deepthi Goguri looks at four options:

Securing data in Azure is an important part and there are different security layers available in Azure. Below diagram shows you the different layers of Security we have in Azure to reach the customer data.

In this post, let’s focus on the Network security.

Click through for a table covering the four options in the columns list and a quick comparison of the highlights in the rows. Private link is definitely the best corporate option, though it also requires a fair amount of preparatory work.

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Time Series Features in SQL Server 2022

Kendal Van Dyke walks us through a few new bits of T-SQL in SQL Server 2022:

Time series data is often used for historical comparisons, anomaly detection and alerting, predictive analysis, and reporting, where time is a meaningful axis for viewing or analyzing data.

Time series capabilities in SQL Server were introduced in Azure SQL Edge, Microsoft’s version of SQL Server for the Internet of Things (IoT) which combines capabilities such as data streaming and time series with built-in machine learning and graph features.

I am happy to see that these operators and functions made the leap from Azure SQL Edge and am hopeful that we’ll see a bit more of what makes databases like influxdb so useful for time series make their way in as well.

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Plotly Visualizations in Azure Data Explorer

Adi Eldar improves ADX visualization:

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) supports various types of data visualizations including time, bar and scatter charts, maps, funnels and many more. The chosen visualization can be specified as part of the KQL query using ‘render’ operator, or interactively selected when building ADX dashboards. Today we extend the set of visualizations, supporting advanced interactive visualizations by Plotly graphics library. Plotly supports ~80 chart types including basic charts, scientific, statistical, financial, maps, 3D, animations and more. There are two methods for creating Plotly visuals:

Read on to learn more about those two methods.

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Comparing Encryption Options in SQL Server

David Fowler has a table for us:

The question of encryption seems to be coming up a lot recently. I’ve had a number of people asking me about how to go about encrypting SQL Server.

SQL can encrypt our data at a number of different levels and gives us a quite a few options when doing so. I want to use this post to put together a matrix so you can easily see which method of encryption suits your purpose. I’ll look in to each method in more detail in a future series of posts.

Click through for a rather comprehensive table and remember that “several of these all at once” is usually the correct answer for which to choose.

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Pivoting with KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

Business Analysis is becoming mainstream in today’s corporate world. A big part of that analysis is done with pivot tables. Think of an Excel spreadsheet where data is organized into rows and columns.

The pivot plugin will take one data column from your query, and flip it to become new columns in the output data grid. The other column will become the rows, and an aggregation function will be at the cross section of the rows and columns, supplying the main data. You’ll get a better understanding through the demos in this post.

You may be wondering “plugin? What’s a plugin?”

I did, in fact, wonder. And Robert explains what a plugin is, as well as examples of how to pivot.

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PolyBase and S3 Integration in SQL Server 2022 on Containers

Amit Khandelwal combines a bunch of things together:

One of the new features introduced with SQL Server 2022 is the ability to connect to any S3-compatible object storage and SQL Server supports both Backup/Restore and data lake virtualization with Polybase integration.  In this blog, we will demonstrate both of these features for SQL Server 2022 Containers running on Kubernetes. As usual, I will use the Azure Kubernetes Service as my Kubernetes environment

Most of the work is in the container configuration, which is good on net, as it means you only have to do it once.

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