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Day: December 20, 2022

CountIf in KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

In my previous post, Fun With KQL – DCountIf, we saw how you could apply a filter to the data directly within the dcountif function.

You may have been thinking gosh, it sure would be nice if we could do that within the count function! (Note, you can read more about count in my Fun With KQL – Count blog post.)

Well fear not intrepid Kusto coder, there is just such a function to fit your needs: countif.

As always, Robert has examples for us, so check those out.

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Statistical Analysis in Azure ML

Tomaz Kastrun continues an advent of Azure ML. Day 18 takes us through feature exploration:

Azure Machine Learning is also a great tool to do ordinary statistical analysis, graph plotting and everything that goes along.

Let’s get an open dataset, that is available on UCI Machine Learning repository and import it in the pandas dataframe.

Day 19 picks up with feature engineering:

Yesterday we have shown, that statistical analysis and all bolts and whistles can be done super simple in Azure machine learning. Today we will continue with feature engineering and modelling.

So, what is feature engineering? Is a general process and can involve both feature construction: adding new features from the existing data, and feature selection: choosing only the most important features for improving model performance, reducing data dimensionality, doing log-transformation, removing outliers, to do scaling (normalisation, standardisation), imputations, general transformation (and others, as polynomial), variable creation, variable extraction and so on.

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Coloring Tree Branches in R

Ali Oghabian marks up a tree:

After running Hierarchical clustering we can cut the result binary tree at a certain depth or request that it be cut in a manner that would result a certain number of clusters. Here, I request that the resulted binary tree be cut in away that would result to 2 sample clusters. Furthermore, I convert the resulted tree to a “dendogram” object and colour the branches and the labels of the tree to visualize the 2 clusters. One can use color_branches and color_labels functions to cut and colour the trees.

Read on for a demonstration. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Building Sparklines in Excel

Chris Webb tries out a QuickChart feature:

Last week I presented at the Nashville Modern Excel user group and before my session started Will Harvey, the organiser, did a quick run-through of what’s new in the Power Platform. He highlighted a service that piqued my interest called QuickChart which has a new Power Automate connector. QuickChart have an API that you can pass your data to and which will return an image of that data in a chart; they also have a free tier so you can play with it easily. 

Read on for a demonstration, though do note that if you wanted to do it in practice, this is a paid product.

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Advent of Code in Postgres

Ryan Booz has some videos for us:

As I go, I’ll upload my finished code to my repo and (hopefully) record a video for each day explaining my approach. I’ve finished through day 8 (as of December 14, 2022), but haven’t finished all of the videos yet. Again, my goal is to enjoy the challenge and learn, not try to be the first one done or get on a leaderboard somewhere. This also means it will probably take into January 2023 to finish the puzzles and record videos.

Enough explanation! Let’s talk about the first five puzzles, including links to the videos.

Read on for days 1-5 of the challenge.

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Auto-Drop Stats in SQL Server 2022

Dennes Torres takes out the trash:

Auto-Create statistics is a well-known feature critical for the database performance. When one statistic is auto created, changing the table structure is not blocked by the presence of the statistic. An auto-created statistics is also dropped automatically when a schema change happens.

On the other hand, if the statistic is created by the user, any schema change will be blocked by the presence of the statistic.

The Auto-Drop setting on a statistic is a new SQL Server 2022 feature to change this behaviour.

Click through for a demonstration.

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Azure SQL Database Performance Roundup

Reitse Eskens shares the goods:

In the past 9 blogs, I’ve shown you all sorts of Azure SQL database solutions and gave them a little run for their money. I’ve tested a lot and written about them. This blog will be about the summation of the data and my views on the combined graphs. At the end I’ll wrap it up with my way of working when a new project starts.

But before I kick off, a little Christmas present. What I didn’t do, until now, is give you access to more raw data. Now is the moment to give you more raw number to play around with for yourself and do your own analysis. Fun as it might be, I’d highly encourage you to use my sheets as a jumping point and adapt them for your own workloads. You can find the two Excel files via the link for the scripts.

This is a post I’d been waiting for, as it covers the comparisons between tiers directly, rather than inferring it from the various posts.

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A Primer on Transparent Data Encryption

Matthew McGiffen continues a series on encryption in SQL Server:

TDE is referred to as a “transparent” form of encryption. What that means is that the process of encrypting and decrypting data is fully performed in the background. The queries we write to access data are unchanged whether TDE is enabled or not. So, enabling TDE has no impact on application functionality, does not require refactoring of code, and is therefore relatively easy to implement. TDE encrypts all the data in a database, so you don’t need to choose which data items to encrypt.

Read on to learn more about it, including specific items TDE does not cover.

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