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Partial Database Projects

Olivier Van Steenlandt doesn’t get the whole cookie:

In this blog post, I will describe how you can get a database in source control partially. You might be wondering why you would do that. Well, let’s start by explaining the use case.

A couple of years ago, I was working for a company where a third-party vendor owned the OLTP system. At that point in time, we were not allowed to change any existing objects or create any new objects in the existing schemas. Though, we were required to be able to transfer the data from the OLTP system to the staging environment of our Data Warehouse. To do so, the third-party vendor created a schema in the database where we were allowed to create views and stored procedures to be able to get the data we needed.

Read on for an example of how this might work, as well as important database project settings you’ll want to change in that case.