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Category: Source Control

Testing GitHub Support in Microsoft Fabric

Kevin Chant gives it a try:

By the end of this post, you will see the results of my initial tests. Along the way I share plenty of links and some advice.

If you need help with any jargon used in this post, you can read my other post. Which is a Microsoft Fabric Git integration jargon guide for Fabricators.

One key point I want to highlight is that the GitHub support for Microsoft Fabric Git integration is currently in preview and the contents of this post are subject to change.

It’s been a long time coming, that’s for sure.

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Branch-Out in Microsoft Fabric

Marc Lelijveld covers a new bit of functionality in Microsoft Fabric:

Yesterday, Microsoft released a new option called “branch-out” that allows you to easily setup a new branch from an existing Fabric workspace. Obviously, this was already possible but involved a lot of manual work. With this new option, you can create your own feature branch to work in isolation before you commit your work to the central repository.

In this blog, I will deep dive more in this branch-out feature, how it works, including some things to keep in mind working with this feature.

Read on to learn more about the feature.

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Preventing Passwords from Getting into GitHub

Eduardo Pivaral does some work:

Healthy code should not include passwords, keys, or secrets in the source code. Sometimes, developers hard-code sensitive information while testing new features but forget to remove it afterward.

How can we validate code without including sensitive information so we can take action before we publish or share code?

Click through for a couple of options. If you do have GitHub Advanced Security (part of GitHub Enterprise Cloud), you can also create a custom pattern for secret scanning that can include passwords, database connection strings, and the like.

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Reviewing a Pull Request with the GitHub CLI

Mike Robbins shows off one feature of gh cli:

Checking out someone else’s pull request (PR) on GitHub is essential in collaborative software development, enabling thorough code reviews, local testing, and detailed feedback. This process allows developers to ensure the quality and functionality of the code before integration, identify and resolve potential conflicts, and maintain consistency across the project. By reviewing changes locally, team members can collaborate more effectively, offering insights and improvements that enhance the overall quality of the project. Additionally, local reviews support security audits and performance evaluations, ensuring that the code is not only functional but also optimized and secure.

I don’t use gh cli as much as I should (in part because 95+ percent of the time, I’m committing into one-man repos and use GitHub Desktop), but every time I do use it, I remember that it’s a nice CLI.

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Branch Cleanup with git prune

Steve Jones breaks out the branch cutters:

As I’ve been working with SQL Saturday and managing changes to events, I’ve accumulated a lot of branches. Even though I’m a solo developer, I decided to use branches, as I expect others to share this load in the future. This post looks at how to start cleaning those up.

As a team gets larger, the necessity of regular branch maintenance increases, but so does the complexity of it: it’s really easy to have one person not pay attention to the e-mails and get burned when old branch deletion en masse does happen.

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Locking down Branches in GitHub

I have a new video:

In this video, I show you how you can prevent people from checking directly into a specific branch, as well as explaining why you might want to enable this feature and how it looks for administrators.

Admittedly, this video would work a bit better with multiple user accounts, but I think I got the general point across.

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CI/CD in GitHub

I have a new video:

In this video, I explain what continuous integration (CI) is, disambiguate continuous delivery from continuous deployment (CD), and see how you can perform CI/CD operations using GitHub Actions.

Read on to see what these terms mean and an example of how it all works with .NET projects.

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Infrastructure as Code in GitHub

I have a new video:

In this video, we look at how to perform Infrastructure as Code in GitHub. We take a Bicep script and generate new Azure resources using it and GitHub Actions.

The video includes a very brief primer on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and Bicep, and then gets into how you can use GitHub Actions to keep your Azure resources configured the way you expect.

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Switching a Git Commit to another Branch

Olivier Van Steenlandt fixes an oopsie-doodle:

In the past couple of months, I’ve been doing a lot of different things at the same time. Because of that, it is no exception that I have quite some branches for my Database Projects that I’m working on simultaneously.

Because of this, another issue arises as well, it happens now and then that I’m committing my changes to the wrong branch. Luckily for me, I’m making this mistake by committing directly to my development branch, where the change needs to be done in the end anyway.

Nevertheless, I need to get my change into my feature branch as well. In this data recipe, I will be guiding you through the process.

Click through to see how. If you’re using a GUI like GitHub Desktop or Sourcetree, there are also ways of doing this within the UI.

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