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Day: September 20, 2022

Format_TimeSpan in KQL

Robert Cain continues a series on KQL:

If you refer back to my post Fun With KQL – DateTime Arithmetic, you may recall that when you perform any math with datetime data types, such as subtracting one date from another to get the amount of elapsed time, the resulting data type is a timespan.

In this post, we’ll see how to format timespan data types using the format_timespan function.

As always, Robert teaches by example here so go ahead and check that out.

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Keyboard Focus on Controls in Shiny

Thomas Williams wants to take control:

It is possible – though not the default – set set keyboard focus on load to a control in an R Markdown web page rendered with Shiny.

Setting keyboard focus when an R Markdown page is loaded is beneficial to users, who can start interacting with the page without having to first click the control.

Click through to learn how. This is one of the biggest losses we have in the GUI era: that you have a mouse necessitates using the mouse for everything. But that’s a “get off my lawn” rant for another day.

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Auto-Scaling SQL Managed Instances

Amanda Ibrahim answers a customer request:

If the customer needs to configure auto scaling for SQL Managed Instance, where the vCores can be increase and decrease automatically on specific time.

Read on to learn how. This can be useful for dev environments or places where your use case has “office hours”—that is, 90% of your activity takes place during a block of 4-12 hours—and you can afford the time in which the service is unavailable due to scaling.

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Getting Started with SQL Server

Lee Markum helps out people new to SQL Server:

I see a lot of questions on data related Reddit forums and data science groups on LinkedIn about how to get started with SQL. Certainly these people mean that they want to learn the SQL language. I don’t think you can do that long term without setting up a home lab. You need your own place to experiment beyond what you can do in an online tutorial where you’re typing into a web browser, for example.

By the time you finish this post, you will be able to install SQL Server for use as a home lab for learning T-SQL and administration of the server environment.

Click through for a step-by-step guide. There’s a lot to learn after walking through this guide but you’ve got to start somewhere.

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Tips for using Synapse Database Templates

James Serra provides some guidance:

I had previously blogged about Azure Synapse Analytics database templates, and wanted to follow-up with some notes and tips on that feature as I have been involved on a project that is using it:

– Purview does not yet pull in the metadata for database templates (table/field descriptions and table relationships). Right now it pulls in the metadata as if it was a SQL table or as if it was a file in ADLS. Both just have the basic information supported by those types. The SQL one is probably preferred

– Power BI does not import the table and field descriptions when connecting to a lake database (where the database templates are stored), but it does import the table relationships. You can see the table descriptions by hovering over the table names in the navigator when importing tables using the “Azure Synapse Analytics workspace (Beta)” connector. Note you are not able to see the table descriptions when hovering over the table names using the “Azure Synapse Analytics SQL” connector. Also note the “Select Related Tables” button does not work in the navigator

Click through for more notes from the field.

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T-SQL Tuesday 154 Recap

Glenn Berry summarizes what people are doing with SQL Server 2022:

Back on September 5, 2022, I posted the invitation for T-SQL Tuesday #154 Invitation – SQL Server 2022, which was due on Tuesday, September 12, 2022. I ended up getting eleven blog post responses that I am aware of (including mine). Thank you to everyone who participated! This post will be my T-SQL Tuesday #154 Recap.

Here are the blog posts for #T-SQL Tuesday #154, in alphabetical order by author.

Glenn goes the extra mile by including author photos as well.

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Eager Index Spooling

Chad Callihan has a great analogy for eager spools:

Think of a time when you went to someone for help on a problem. Rather than walk you through how to solve the problem, that someone just groans, speeds through solving it for you, and sends you on your way without any explanation.

Did you learn anything? No.

Will you need help again next time that same problem comes up? You bet.

I also like Erik Darling’s explanation that an eager spool is SQL Server’s passive-aggressive way of telling you that you need an index but no, you’re just too busy to create one so I’ll just keep working here all day and do you even call your poor mother anymore?

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