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Tips for using Synapse Database Templates

James Serra provides some guidance:

I had previously blogged about Azure Synapse Analytics database templates, and wanted to follow-up with some notes and tips on that feature as I have been involved on a project that is using it:

– Purview does not yet pull in the metadata for database templates (table/field descriptions and table relationships). Right now it pulls in the metadata as if it was a SQL table or as if it was a file in ADLS. Both just have the basic information supported by those types. The SQL one is probably preferred

– Power BI does not import the table and field descriptions when connecting to a lake database (where the database templates are stored), but it does import the table relationships. You can see the table descriptions by hovering over the table names in the navigator when importing tables using the “Azure Synapse Analytics workspace (Beta)” connector. Note you are not able to see the table descriptions when hovering over the table names using the “Azure Synapse Analytics SQL” connector. Also note the “Select Related Tables” button does not work in the navigator

Click through for more notes from the field.