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Month: July 2021

The Benefits of Instant File Initialization

Greg Larsen explains how instant file initialization works:

Instant file initialization is a SQL Server setup option that keeps SQL Server from writing binary zeroes to data files when a database is first created, expanded, or restored. By avoiding the writing of binary zeroes, there is a lower performance impact when disk space is allocated for several database operations.

By default, when SQL Server creates a database, increases the size of a database, or restores a database, it needs to initialize the disk space prior to allocating the space. This initialization process writes binary zeroes (“0”) across all the bits and bytes of space being allocated. By writing binary zeroes across the disk space, the SQL Server engine makes sure that data previously stored in the unused disk space is completely overwritten before the disk space is allocated to a database.

Read on for more details, as well as why this can be worth enabling.

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Digital Forensics with Apache Kafka

Kai Waehner continues a series on using Apache Kafka as the backbone for computer security:

Storing data long-term in Kafka is possible since the beginning. Each Kafka topic gets a retention time. Many use cases use a retention time of a few hours or days as the data is only processed and stored in another system (like a database or data warehouse). However, more and more projects use a retention time of a few years or even -1 (= forever) for some Kafka topics (e.g., due to compliance reasons or to store transactional data).

The drawback of using Kafka for forensics is the huge volume of historical data and its related high cost and scalability issues. This gets pretty expensive as Kafka uses regular HDDs or SDDS as the disk storage. Additionally, data rebalancing between brokers (e.g., if a new broker is added to a cluster) takes a long time for huge volumes of data sets. Hence, rebalancing takes hours can impact scalability and reliability.

But there is a solution to these challenges: Tiered Storage.

Click through to learn more.

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Detecting a Fraud: Power BI Edition

Brett Powell has an interesting post on determining a Power BI consultant’s chops:

This post discusses the forms, origins, and indications of fraud and misrepresentation in the context of Power BI consulting and contract engagements. The intent of this content is to help the reader determine whether a fraud or misrepresentation has occurred and identify characteristics that suggest the potential for a significant variance between expectations and deliverables.

Brett comes at this from the viewpoint of an expert sharing information on the types of things you should expect to see from a qualified consultant. Incidentally, this also works to give you an idea of the types of skills necessary to become a Power BI consultant so if that’s your goal, study this and you’ll be in a solid mindset—especially because this isn’t just a knowledge quiz.

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Working with Complex Return Types in Power Query

Gerhard Brueckl works with some complex data:

When working with Power Query, you have probably already realized that every expression you write returns a value of a specific type. Usually this will be a primitive type like text, number, or date. (A full list of types available in Power Query can be found here: If for some reason the type of an expression cannot be defined, the special type *any* will be used. For sure you already encountered this when using Table.AddColumn which, by default, results in the new column being of type *any*.

Read on to learn more, including what you can do if you’re creating Power Query functions.

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Setting Resource Constraints on Containers

Anthony Nocentino won’t let this container run amok:

Docker gives you the ability to control a container’s access to CPU, Memory, and network and disk IO using resource constraints, sometimes called Limits. You define limits as parameters when creating containers. In its default configuration, a container will have no resource constraints for accessing resources of the host operating system. This post will look at how to configure resource constraints in Docker and look at how SQL Server sees the resources when CPU and Memory resource constraints are in place.

In this post, we will focus on using CPU and Memory Limits using the parameters --cpus <value> and --memory <value>. These provide the essential resource controls for access to CPU and Memory available on the host. If you want to dive deep into the various types of resource constraints available in Docker, check out this page The goal of this post is to introduce the SQL Server DBA into resource constraints in containers.

Read on to learn how you can use CPU and memory limits to control resource allocation for SQL Server containers—including at runtime.

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Threat Intelligence and Kafka

Kai Waehner continues a series on using Apache Kafka as the foundation for a security solution:

Threat intelligence, or cyber threat intelligence, reduces harm by improving decision-making before, during, and after cybersecurity incidents reducing operational mean time to recovery, and reducing adversary dwell time for information technology environments.

Threat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications, and action-oriented advice about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets. This intelligence can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject’s response to that menace or hazard.

Threat intelligence solutions gather raw data about emerging or existing threat actors & threats from various sources. This data is then analyzed and filtered to produce threat intel feeds and management reports that contain information that automated security control solutions can use.

Threat intelligence keeps organizations informed of the risks of advanced persistent threats, zero-day threats and exploits, and how to protect against them.

Read the whole thing.

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Generating Excel Reports with Power BI and Power Automate

Chris Webb mashes together a slew of technologies:

Now that Excel reports connected to Power BI datasets work in Excel Online it opens up a lot of new possibilities for doing cool things with Office Scripts and Power Automate. Here’s a simple example showing how all these technologies can be put together to automatically generate batches of Excel reports from a template.

Read on for the process.

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Unlocking a Login the Bad Way

Kenneth Fisher needs bad things done fast:

We recently had an application login (SQL Server authenticated) in one of our training environments start locking out on a regular basis. I won’t go into why other than to say we did resolve it eventually. This was a major problem that escalated rather quickly up our management chain. We needed to solve it ASAP. And because of that we needed not only a long term solution but a short term one as well. The short term solution involved creating a script that unlocked the login (if it’s currently locked) and sticking it in a job that runs every 5 minutes.

Note: This is not something you should be doing in production! This creates a major security hole.

The process itself isn’t, strictly speaking, a bad idea—for example, maybe you’re testing out some integration and accidentally lock the account. The bad idea is more the script to keep doing this every few minutes.

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Performance Issues with AT TIME ZONE

Jonathan Kehayias lays out a warning:

This is not the type of blog post that I enjoy writing. First let me start off by saying this is not a bash against Microsoft, the SQL Server team, or anything other than an informative post to let people know that there is a potential performance limitation in a very useful feature of SQL Server 2016 and higher. The AT TIME ZONE syntax was added in SQL Server 2016 to handle changing datetime values from one time zone to the offset of a different time zone using string names for the time zone. This is a great feature that simplifies converting datetime values but there is an unfortunate draw back to the implementation; it relies on the time zones that are stored in the Windows Registry and therefore has to make calls out to Windows which unfortunately occurs row-by-row for large result sets when used inside of a query.

Read on for more detail, as well as the way that Jonathan fixed the performance issue.

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