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Setting Resource Constraints on Containers

Anthony Nocentino won’t let this container run amok:

Docker gives you the ability to control a container’s access to CPU, Memory, and network and disk IO using resource constraints, sometimes called Limits. You define limits as parameters when creating containers. In its default configuration, a container will have no resource constraints for accessing resources of the host operating system. This post will look at how to configure resource constraints in Docker and look at how SQL Server sees the resources when CPU and Memory resource constraints are in place.

In this post, we will focus on using CPU and Memory Limits using the parameters --cpus <value> and --memory <value>. These provide the essential resource controls for access to CPU and Memory available on the host. If you want to dive deep into the various types of resource constraints available in Docker, check out this page The goal of this post is to introduce the SQL Server DBA into resource constraints in containers.

Read on to learn how you can use CPU and memory limits to control resource allocation for SQL Server containers—including at runtime.