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Month: March 2021

Capturing Extended Properties when a Table is Dropped

Thomas Rushton attempts to preserve extended property history:

Custom extended properties can be a useful tool when creating a self-documenting database. However, in an environment where tables are routinely dropped and recreated by software/systems not within your control, it may be desirable to have these stored so they can be repopulated when the table is recreated.

Read on to learn about the results of each test. Also read on for a use of the term “faff” in its appropriate context.

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Power BI: Parquet Files and Streamed Binary Values Error

Chris Webb explains an error:

If you’re using the new Parquet connector in Power BI there’s a chance you will run into the following error:

Parameter.Error: Parquet.Document cannot be used with streamed binary values.

This isn’t a bug or anything that can be fixed, so it’s important to understand why it occurs and what you can do about it.

Click through for the explanation.

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The Importance of Configuring SQL Server Agent Alerts

Chad Callihan has a story in three acts:

Once upon a time, I was having a relaxing morning…until I received an e-mail alert about an Error Number 825 on a database. The error stated:

‘D:\sql_dat\DatabaseName.mdf_MSSQL_DBCC47’ at offset 0x00000004b9e000 succeeded after failing 1 time(s) with error: 121(The semaphore timeout period has expired.). Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This error condition threatens database integrity and must be corrected. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

That’s not how you want your day to go. Fortunately, the database was not one that needed to be online 24/7 so I felt I could relax a little bit while starting to investigate. At this point, the issue seemed to be with one database.

Click through to see if everyone lived happily ever after.

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Bayesian vs Frequentist Approaches to Machine Learning

Ajit Jaokar has an interesting series. Here’s part one:

The arguments / discussions between the Bayesian vs frequentist approaches in statistics are long running. I am interested in how these approaches impact machine learning. Often, books on machine learning combine the two approaches, or in some cases, take only one approach. This does not help from a learning standpoint.  

So, in this two-part blog we first discuss the differences between the Frequentist and Bayesian approaches. Then, we discuss how they apply to machine learning algorithms.

Part two extends from there:

Sampled from a distribution: Many machine learning algorithms make assumptions that the data is sampled from a frequency. For example, linear regression assumes gaussian distribution and logistic regression assumes that the data is sampled from a Bernoulli distribution. Hence, these algorithms take a frequentist approach

My biases push me toward Bayesian approaches, and I really like what I see in Stan, but these techniques do often require a lot more processing power.

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Testing Kafka with Kerberos and SSH

Daniel Osvath has a guide for us:

Kerberos authentication is widely used in today’s client/server applications; however getting started with Kerberos may be a daunting task if you don’t have prior experience. Information on setting up Kerberos with an SSH server and client on the web is fragmented and hasn’t been presented in a comprehensive end-to-end way on a simple local setup.

At Confluent, several of our connectors for Apache Kafka® support Kerberos-based authentication. For development and testing of these connectors, we often leverage containers due to their fast, iterative benefits. This tutorial aims to provide a simple setup for a Kerberos test environment with SSH for a passwordless authentication that uses Kerberos tickets. You may use this as a guide for testing the Kerberos functionality of SSH-based client-server applications in a local environment or as a hands-on tutorial if you’re new to Kerberos. To understand the basics of Kerberos before diving into this tutorial, you may find this video helpful. Additionally, if you are looking for a non-SSH-based setup, the setup below for the KDC server container may also be useful.

Click through for two approaches to the problem.

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Delivering Data Insights using the Microsoft Data Platform

Paul Andrew has a talk:

Let’s start with a story, not a ‘once upon a time story‘, a story for your backlog 

As a solution architect
I need to design and build an Azure data analytics platform end to end
to deliver data insights for my customer.

In February 2021 I delivered a talk as part of the Scottish Summit conference on how you could/should build an end to end data platform solution in Azure to deliver data insights and analytics. This is one of my favourite sessions so thought it worth re-sharing the recording here.

Click through for the abstract as well as the video.

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Clarifying Key Errors on Graph Tables in SQL Server

Louis Davidson clears up some noise:

This causes the following error message:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 14Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'AKEdge'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Edge'. The duplicate key value is (455672671, 0, 455672671, 1).

So what is this: (455672671, 0, 455672671, 1)?

Click through to understand what this all means. Louis also has a quick procedure which looks up those details.

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Ignite 2021 Data and AI Announcements

James Serra has a roundup of the Data & AI announcements at Microsoft Ignite 2021:

Azure Arc enabled machine learning (preview): Build models on-premises, in multi-cloud, and at the edge with Azure Arc. It does this by deploying Azure Machine Learning to a Kubernetes cluster that resides on-prem or in another cloud. More info

Azure Migrate new features: Discover and assess your SQL servers and their databases for migration to Azure from within the Azure Migrate portal, get target SKU recommendations, and estimate monthly costs. More info

Azure SQL enhancementsMaintenance window – Azure SQL Database and Azure Managed Instance fixed maintenance windows (preview) – More infoAdvance notifications – Enable you to prepare for planned maintenance events on your Azure SQL Database resources and minimize the impact of database failover on your sensitive workloads – More info

Click through for details on each of the announcements.

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Analyzing XGBoost Training Reports

Simon Zamarin, et al, walk us through using XGBoost reports in Amazon’s Sagemaker Debugger:

In 2019, AWS unveiled Amazon SageMaker Debugger, a SageMaker capability that enables you to automatically detect a variety of issues that may arise while a model is being trained. SageMaker Debugger captures model state data at specified intervals during a training job. With this data, SageMaker Debugger can detect training issues or anomalies by leveraging built-in or user-defined rules. In addition to detecting issues during the training job, you can analyze the captured state data afterwards to evaluate model performance and identify areas for improvement. This task is made easier with the newly launched XGBoost training report feature. With a minimal amount of code changes, SageMaker Debugger generates a comprehensive report outlining key information that you can use to evaluate and improve the model.

This post shows you an end-to-end example of training an XGBoost model on Sagemaker and how to enable the automatic XGBoost report functionality in Sagemaker Debugger to quickly and easily evaluate model performance and identify areas of improvement for your model. Even if you don’t have a lot of data science experience, you can still gauge how well the model performs and identify areas of improvement based on information provided by the report. The code from this post is available in the GitHub repo.

Click through for an example of this in action.

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