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Testing Kafka with Kerberos and SSH

Daniel Osvath has a guide for us:

Kerberos authentication is widely used in today’s client/server applications; however getting started with Kerberos may be a daunting task if you don’t have prior experience. Information on setting up Kerberos with an SSH server and client on the web is fragmented and hasn’t been presented in a comprehensive end-to-end way on a simple local setup.

At Confluent, several of our connectors for Apache Kafka® support Kerberos-based authentication. For development and testing of these connectors, we often leverage containers due to their fast, iterative benefits. This tutorial aims to provide a simple setup for a Kerberos test environment with SSH for a passwordless authentication that uses Kerberos tickets. You may use this as a guide for testing the Kerberos functionality of SSH-based client-server applications in a local environment or as a hands-on tutorial if you’re new to Kerberos. To understand the basics of Kerberos before diving into this tutorial, you may find this video helpful. Additionally, if you are looking for a non-SSH-based setup, the setup below for the KDC server container may also be useful.

Click through for two approaches to the problem.