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Why Have Multiple Edge Constraints in SQL Graph?

Louis Davidson has an explanation for us:

Edge constraints were added in SQL Server 2019 to make the node to edge relationship stricter/enforced, and more like typical foreign key constraints. When used, they define what node types can be used in the from and to position of the edge. What makes edges different than a many-to-many relationship in a relational table is that an edge can implement more than one many-to-many relationship in a single table. To constrain the types of data that can be put into the edge, you can use an edge constraint.

Edge constraints are very similar to implementing foreign key constraints, but there are a few key differences. Foreign keys are between two tables. Edges are between one edge table, and multiple pairs of node tables. In both cases, you can have multiple constraints, even from the same table to the same related table on the same column. However, with edge constraints, because you can have multiple pairs of expressions, and even multiple constraints, it bears discussion. If you have more than one constraint, it has one big negative, but it is allowed to implement one big positive!

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