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Logical Separation in Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev is at a crossroads:

I was raised listening and reading fairy tales where the main character would reach a crossroad with a large stone that had some directions written on it – turn right and you will lose your horse, turn left and you will lose your life, walk straight and you will find your happiness. 

Also, growing up in a small Ukrainian industrial city, closely situated to a railroad hub, I was always fascinated to see many colorful rail traffic lights, trying to imagine where a myriad of rail tracks would lead trains on them.

Similarly, Azure Data Factory (ADF) provides several ways, to control/direct/filter your pipeline workflows; it’s all conditioned and constrained to the boundaries of my “crossroad stone” writings.

As one of my intellectual heroes is purported to have said, if you see a fork in the road, take it.