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Day: January 25, 2021

Using OAuth 2 in R Packages

Maelle Salmon explains how OAuth 2 works and also how you can use it in R packages:

When writing an R package wrapping an API using OAuth 2.0 you’ll need the user to grant access to an “app”, which will allow to create an access token and a refresh token. The access token will then often be passed to the API in a header when making requests, whilst the refresh token would be posted in a query string when the access token needs to be renewed.

Your problem is: how do I imitate a third-party app? Thankfully for you, in most cases the complexity can be handled by the httr package. For other cases, or if you want to e.g. only use curl, you will have to get creative. 

Read on for more detail.

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SSAS and Database Loading

Nigel Foulkes-Nock explains why SSAS might not be available even if the service is running:

When starting SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Tabular, the Service is quick to report that it has started. In my opinion, this Status is not entirely accurate – SSAS may be running but you cannot access data until it has loaded all associated SSAS Databases into memory and performed its consistency checks. This can take a long time.

After starting SSAS, if you try to browse the Databases using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) then SSMS becomes unresponsive. You will receive errors if you try to query a SSAS Database. It’s busy but it doesn’t report as such and doesn’t give any clue of how long it’ll take.

Read on for the explanation.

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Hiding Excel using Powershell

Mikey Bronowski shows how you can hide an Excel worksheet, as well as specific rows and columns, using Powershell:

This is part of the How to Excel with PowerShell series. Links to all the tips can be found in this post.
If you would like to learn more about the module with an interactive notebook, check this post out.

MS Excel offers many different functionalities and one of them is making things to disappear like hiding worksheets or columns and rows, even cells.

Read on to see how.

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Change Tracking vs Change Data Capture with Partitioning

Erik Darling explains a difference:

One thing I’ve seen people run into is that these two technologies have very different relationships with Partitioning.

Now, I know this isn’t going to be the most common scenario, but often when you find people doing rocket surgeon stuff like tracking data changes, there are lots of other features creeping around.

Click through to see which one works better.

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Memory Grant Internals

Deepthi Goguri starts a series on memory grant internals:

SQL Server have different types of components (Plan Cache, Buffer pool and other memory components) in the memory area and requires memory for many things. We also require memory to process our queries. Each operator in the execution plan requires memory to process the rows from one operator to the other operator. Some of the iterators need to be buffered as the rows come into them before sending them to the next iterator in the execution plan. These iterators needs more memory. These are called memory consuming iterators. The grants that we given to these memory consuming iterators are called Query memory grants.

Click through for more.

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Using the Cloudshell Code Editor

Hamish Watson shows off the cloudshell code editor in Azure:

This post is about code which is an online editor you can use with cloudshell.

I live in the Azure platform all day (almost) every day. What this means is I need to be able to run scripts from just about any device – there are times where I will be scaling a Hyperscale database at 10:30pm from my phone….

So I use cloudshell a LOT in Azure

Click through for more details.

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