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Using Cognitive Services in Power BI without a Premium Subscription

Marc Lelijveld and Kathrin Borchert show how we can take advantage of Cognitive Services and Power BI without having to pay for Power BI Premium:

Recently, I was presenting my session about AI Capabilities for Power BI to make AI Accessible for Everyone for the Virtual Power BI Days Hamburg. A great event organized by Kathrin Borchert. Part of my session was about the Artificial Intelligence capabilities offered as part of Power BI Premium. A day later, Kathrin came up with a great idea how you can leverage these AI capabilities without the need for Power BI Premium.

I was directly enthusiastic about that idea since I thought about this in the past as well. Back then, there were some blockers which are sorted now. I asked Kathrin if she was open for co-authoring this blog and she immediately agreed.

Click through for the technique. Basically, it’s a trade-off between simplicity and cost.