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Hive + LLAP Now Faster with ElasticMapReduce 6

Suthan Phillips has a benchmark for ElasticMapReduce 5 versus 6:

To evaluate the performance benefits of running Hive with Amazon EMR release 6.0.0, we’re using 70 TCP-DS queries with a 3 TB Apache Parquet dataset on a six-node c4.8xlarge EMR cluster to compare the total runtime and geometric mean with results from EMR release 5.29.0.

The results show that the TPC-DS queries run twice as fast in Amazon EMR 6.0.0 (Hive 3.1.2) compared to Amazon EMR 5.29.0 (Hive 2.3.6) with the default Amazon EMR Hive configuration.

The following graph shows performance improvements measured as total runtime for 70 TPC-DS queries. Amazon EMR 6.0.0 has the better (lower) runtime.

Click through for the measures and a bit more info on LLAP.