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Day: April 14, 2020

Tidy Simulation of Stochastic Processes in R

David Robinson shows off my favorite distribution:

The Riddler puzzle describes a Poisson process, which is one of the most important stochastic processes. A Poisson process models the intuitive concept of “an event is equally likely to happen at any moment.” It’s named because the number of events occurring in a time interval of length is distributed according to , for some rate parameter (for this puzzle, the rate is described as one per day, ).

How can we simulate a Poisson process? This is an important connection between distributions. The waiting time for the next event in a Poisson process has an exponential distribution, which can be simulated with rexp().

Read on to learn about the Poisson distribution and Yule processes.

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Changing the Graphics Device in RMarkdown Docs

Colin Gillespie shows us how to change PDF and PNG output settings within knitr:

In many workflows, function calls to graphic devices are not explicit. Instead, the call is made by another package, such as knitr.

When kniting an Rmarkdown document, the default graphics device when creating PDF documents is grDevices::pdf() and for HTML documents it’s grDevices::png(). As we demostrated, these are the worst possible choices!

Click through to see what you can do about it.

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Clarifying Nomenclature around Azure Synapse Analytics

James Serra clears a few things up:

I see a lot of confusion among many people on what features are available today in Azure Synapse Analytics (formally called Azure SQL Data Warehouse) and what features are coming in the future. Below is a picture (click to zoom) that I describe below that hopefully clears things up:

I tend to just say “Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Pools” for the product formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse and save “Azure Synapse Analytics” to include Spark + hyperscale (James’s v3).

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Why Unit Testing in the Database Is Tough

Rob Farley talks about a couple of reasons why database unit testing can be difficult to do:

Hamish wants to develop a conversation about unit testing within database because he recognises that the lack of unit testing is a significant problem. It’s quite commonplace in the world of iterative code, of C#, Java, and those kinds of languages, but a lot less commonplace in the world of data. I’m going to look at two of the reasons why I think this is.

Read Rob’s thoughts in their entirety. I fully agree that we need to test, but get wishy-washy on the topic of automated testing. The reason for that is that tooling is quite limited, and many of those limitations are inherent limits in the database platform itself. For the types of things you most need to test (like hefty stored procedures), the number of test cases spirals out of control quickly. And unlike functional or structured programming languages, T-SQL performance gets markedly worse as you modularize, which makes it so difficult to get down to an easily testable block of code.

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SQL Server Backup History

Dave Bland talks about a few useful tables in msdb:

How long a database takes to backup is something that over the years I have been asked to get.  These requests come for different reasons, sometimes it could be to find out how much it has increased over time, sometimes it could be to see if the backup job is interfering with other jobs and sometime it isn’t about duration at all, it is more about showing the backups were completed.  Over the years I have had a number of auditors ask of backup history.

In order to get this information we need to pull data from two tables in the MSDB database, backupset and backupmediafamily.

Read on to learn about these two tables and to get a sample query. On systems with a large number of databases and a DBA who loves frequent transaction log backups (like I do), this table can get pretty big, so don’t forget to prune that data over time.

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Incremental Refresh with Power BI

Chris Webb talks about a special use case for Power BI incremental refresh:

Power BI incremental refresh is a very powerful feature and now it’s available in Shared capacity (not just Premium) everyone can use it. It’s designed for scenarios where you have a data warehouse running on a relational database but with a little thought you can make it do all kinds of other interesting things; Miguel Escobar’s recent blog post on how to use incremental refresh for files in a folder is a great example of this. In this post I’m going to show you how to use incremental refresh to solve another very common problem – namely how to get Power BI to keep the data that’s already in your dataset and add new data to it.

Click through for the details.

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