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Building a Cache in ksqlDB

Michael Drogalis shows how to build a materialized cache to reduce the load on your Kafka Streams servers:

There are a lot of ways that you can introduce a materialized cache into your architecture. One such way is to leverage ksqlDB, an event streaming database purpose-built for stream processing applications. With native Kafka integration, ksqlDB makes it easy to replicate the pattern of scaling out many sets of distributed caches.

Let’s look at how this works in action with an example application. Imagine that you have a database storing geospatial data of pings from drivers at a ridesharing company. You have a particular piece of logic that you want to move out of the database—a frequently run query to aggregate how active a territory is. You can build a materialized cache for it using ksqlDB.

The tutorial starts you from “grab the Docker container” and takes you through the process.