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Day: February 7, 2020

Working with Multiple DataFrames in Pandas

Zehra Can shows how to concatenate and work with multiple data frames at once in Pandas:

Data can be selected from data frames by using loc and iloc options:

Loc is used for selecting rows and columns by index and value label, columns can be selected by column names,

Iloc is used for selecting rows and columns by their indexes.

This is a demo-heavy tutorial style of post, so it has plenty of code to look at.

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Rebuilding Rowstore Indexes Online on Tables with Columnstore Indexes

Niko Neugebauer explains something about rebuilding rowstore indexes:

This blogpost will be about older SQL Server versions (2016, 2017) and some implications that I have found that people rather do not understand, until they hit the problems in productions – the ONLINE creation & rebuild operations for the Rowstore indexes when having Columnstore Indexes on their tables.
As you should know by now – SQL Server 2017 & SQL Server 2019 respectively brought the ONLINE features support for the Columnstore Indexes (Nonclustered(2017) & Clustered(2019)) and I have blogged about those news in Columnstore Indexes – part 96 (“Nonclustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”) in 2017 and in Columnstore Indexes – part 123 (“Clustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”) in 2018.

What I honestly did not expect is the amount of the same question I have faced as in the last 3 months regarding the rebuild operations for the the ONLINE creation & rebuild operations for the Rowstore indexes when having Columnstore Indexes.

Read on to see the demonstration for when you have a clustered columnstore index and a nonclustered columnstore index.

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Row-Level Security in Power BI Reports

Drew Skwiers-Koballa shows how to use an embed token to implement row-level security with Power BI:

To present a PowerBI report user or consumer with a securely pre-filtered dataset, row level security must be used. In a PowerBI embedded architecture where “app owns data”, implementing row level security (RLS) requires a modification to the token generation request. By specifying a role and user in the token request, we can generate an embed token specific to the user’s data access.

Click through for the instructions.

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Implementing Soft Deletes in SQL Server

Brent Ozar shows how to use soft deletes in SQL Server:

Normally when you run a DELETE statement in a database, the data’s gone.

With the soft delete design pattern, you add a bit column like IsDeleted, IsActive, or IsArchived to the table, and instead of deleting rows, you flip the bit column. This can buy you a few advantages:

– Easier/faster undeletes
– History tracking (keeping deleted rows around for auditing purposes, although the method I’m going to show here doesn’t do anything fancy like track who did the delete)
– Easier reconciliation during disaster recovery failovers (refer to the Senior DBA class module on recovering from failovers for more info)
– Lower workload for Availability Groups secondaries (neat scenario from Aaron Bertrand)

Read on to see how and what the costs of this are.

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