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Validating Upstream Data Quality with T-SQL

Ed Elliott has a pattern to try:

We can select those rows which we want into our real table which will either already have constraints enabled or we can enable the constraints after we load the data. There are a few problems with this approach, the first problem is that this isn’t very easy to debug. When you realise that your load process only loaded half of the expected rows, why didn’t it load the rest? Other problems include, what do we do with any failed rows – i.e. which rows failed? To answer this we need another query that is the reverse of the “get good rows”. Finally, this is quite a lot of SQL for a file with four columns and three rules, what if the rules are more complex and our data file has lots of columns? I tell you what happens if the rules are more complex: “a mess of SQL jank”, that’s what.

So what instead? 

Read on to learn about the alternative, which is an interesting approach. This is another case where a good SQL-based solution is almost a pivot of a good imperative solution: instead of thinking in rows, focus on columns first and let the rows sort themselves out.