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Month: June 2019

The Banality of Containers

Grant Fritchey points out that containers hosting SQL Server are, in and of themselves, banal:

I’m only half joking when I say containers are boring and dull. They’re not. The technology is amazing. However, that technology doesn’t fundamentally change what you’re dealing with. It’s SQL Server. How do you capture detailed performance metrics in a container? Extended Events. How do you capture aggregated performance metrics and query plans in a container? Query Store. What’s the backup syntax for a database in a container? BACKUP DATABASE. We can keep going on this, but I won’t.

To a great extent, this is the same as SQL Server on Linux: once you have it installed, it works just like the Windows version (well, save for the things which aren’t there yet). All of the magical parts are in getting there.

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Embedding Refresh Times in Power BI Reports

Marc Lelijveld shows how you can embed Power BI Dataflow refresh times in your Power BI reports:

But maybe you want to visualize this as part of your report as well. With a really simple piece of Power Query code you can easily generate a date/time at the moment that your dataset is processed. Kasper de Jonge wrote a blog post on that, so I’m not going to elaborate on that. However, when we add this as a separate entity to each dataflow, it results in a last successful refresh date/time for each dataflows.

Since each dataflow will be refreshed on it’s own, likewise as a dataset, the entity with your last date/time will always the last date/time for the whole dataflow, no matter how many entities are in there.

Read on to see how to combine and display these refresh times.

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Trailing Spaces and String Comparisons

Bert Wagner shows how SQL Server handles trailing spaces when comparing two strings:

The LEN() function shows the number of characters in our string, while the DATALENGTH() function shows us the number of bytes used by that string.

In this case, DATALENGTH is equal to 10. This result is due to the padded spaces occurring after the character “a” in order to fill the defined CHAR length of 10. We can confirm this by converting the value to hexadecimal. We see the value 61 (“a” in hex) followed by nine “20” values (spaces).

Click through to see what happens and why it works the way it does.

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Breaking Down the MAXDOP Guidance Change

Joe Obbish digs into Microsoft’s new guidance for maximum degree of parallelism:

I’ve heard some folks claim that keeping all parallel workers on a single hard NUMA nodes can be important for query performance. I’ve even seen some queries experience reduced performance when thread 0 is on a different hard NUMA node than parallel worker threads. I haven’t heard of anything about the importance of keeping all of a query’s worker threads on a single soft-NUMA node. It doesn’t really make sense to say that query performance will be improved if all worker threads are on the same soft-NUMA node. Soft-NUMA is a configuration setting. Suppose I have a 24 core hard NUMA node and my goal is to get all of a parallel query’s worker threads on a single soft-NUMA node. To accomplish that goal the best strategy is to disable auto soft-NUMA because that will give me a NUMA node size of 24 as opposed to 8. So disabling auto soft-NUMA will increase query performance?

Joe takes a careful look at the documentation and brings up some really good questions.

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When Not to Use Spark

Ramandeep Kaur gives us several cases when it makes sense not to use Apache Spark:

There can be use cases where Spark would be the inevitable choice. Spark considered being an excellent tool for use cases like ETL of a large amount of a dataset, analyzing a large set of data files, Machine learning, and data science to a large dataset, connecting BI/Visualization tools, etc.
But its no panacea, right?

Let’s consider the cases where using Spark would be no less than a nightmare.

No tool is perfect at everything. Click through for a few use cases where the Spark experience degrades quickly.

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Linear Regression Assumptions

Stephanie Glen has a chart which explains the four key assumptions behind when Ordinary Least Squares is the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator:

If any of the main assumptions of linear regression are violated, any results or forecasts that you glean from your data will be extremely biased, inefficient or misleading. Navigating all of the different assumptions and recommendations to identify the assumption can be overwhelming (for example, normality has more than half a dozen options for testing).

Violating one of the assumptions isn’t the end of the world, though it can make understanding the model and generating accurate predictions harder.

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T-SQL Bugs with Joins

Itzik Ben-Gan takes us through four bugs or oddities around joins:

The order counts are now correct, but the total freight values are not. Can you spot the new bug?

The new bug is more elusive because it manifests itself only when the same customer has at least one case where multiple orders happen to have the exact same freight values. In such a case, you are now taking the freight into account only once per customer, and not once per order as you should.

Click through to avoid accidentally introducing bugs in your T-SQL code.

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Usability Issues with Query Store

Lonny Niederstadt has a new series on usability “soft spots” with Query Store. Part one looks at plan identifiers:

Yeah. That’s a lotta plans in the right-hand legend.  22 of them.  In a not very helpful order.  In fact… though I’ve tried to figure it out, I don’t know what type of order is used for that right-hand legend.  It’s not chronological.  It’s not based on duration which is the metric displayed by the graph. I dunno.

Part two looks at “morally equivalent plans”:

Let’s refresh the “Tracked Queries” activity.

Ohhhh.  I forced plan_id 2 (in the purple box below) but what showed up was plan_id 3220 (in the yellow box below).

Lonny promises more, so keep on the lookout.

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Using Biml to Retrieve Query Metadata

David Stein shows how you can use the GetQuerySchema() function in Biml to retrieve metadata for a query:

This post is part of a series, Short Cuts to Biml Mastery which shows you how to learn BimlScript through a series of short cuts and remain productive while doing so.

The GetQuerySchema method provides an excellent way to import metadata from a query, in a similar way as GetDatabaseSchema imports schemas, tables, and views. GetQuerySchema was introduced last year with the 2018 editions of BimlStudio and BimlExpress.

This kind of higher-level programming takes some getting used to, but once you understand it, you can find common data access patterns and build one solution to work through many versions of the pattern.

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