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TPC-DS Testing With HDP 3.0

Nita Dembla and Gopal Vijayaraghavan compare HDP 3.0 versus HDP 2.6.5 when running the TPC-DS query set and note performance improvements in Hive LLAP:

Hortonworks announced the general availability of HDP 3.0 this year. You may read more about it here. Bundled with HDP 3.0, Apache Hive 3 with LLAP took a significant leap as a Enterprise Ready Real time Database Warehouse with transactional capabilities that continues to serve BI workloads with lower latencies. HDP 3.0 comes with exciting new capabilities – ACID support, materialized views, SQL constraints and Query result cache to name a few.  Additionally, we continued to build and improve on the performance enhancements introduced in earlier releases.
In this blog, we will provide an update on our performance benchmark blog, comparing performance of HDP 3.0 to HDP 2.6.5. The noteworthy difference in benchmark is that all tables are by default transactional and written in ACID format, which means there are additional metadata (ROW_ID) columns to uniquely identify each row and support transactional semantics. Another key database capability used and tested here is SQL constraints. The hive-testbench schema has been enhanced to declare Primary-Foreign key, not null and unique constraints.

Their headline is that Hive 3 is up to 2x faster than Hive 2, with huge gains in a few of the queries.