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Variable Screening With vtreat

John Mount explains how you can use vtreat for determining variable importance:

Part of the vtreat philosophy is to assume after the vtreat variable processing the next step is a sophisticated supervised machine learningmethod. Under this assumption we assume the machine learning methodology (be it regression, tree methods, random forests, boosting, or neural nets) will handle issues of redundant variables, joint distributions of variables, overall regularization, and joint dimension reduction.
However, an important exception is: variable screening. In practice we have seen wide data-warehouses with hundreds of columns overwhelm and defeat state of the art machine learning algorithms due to over-fitting. We have some synthetic examples of this (here and here).
The upshot is: even in 2018 you can not treat every column you find in a data warehouse as a variable. You must at least perform some basic screening.

Read on to see a couple quick functions which help with this screening.