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Creating Fancy HTML Reports With Powershell

Jeffery Hicks shares several tips on creating fancy HTML reports using Powershell:

Usage is pretty straightforward. You specify one or more computers and off you go. There is a default value for the resulting HTML file, but you’ll likely want to specify your own.   Because the function is generating custom HTML on the fly, I also provided options for you to provide pre and post content HTML material, just as you might with ConvertTo-HTML. I also give you an option to specify a graphics file which is display like a logo at the top of the report. The graphics file will be embedded in the HTML file. The CSS is also embedded in the HTML making the entire file completely self-contained.

The one knock I have is the gradient color scheme:  people with Protanopia or Deuteranopia will have trouble reading the free space indicator, as the colors blur into one another.  Otherwise, this looks great.