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Gaps And Islands: Solving Stochastic Islands Problems

Itzik Ben-Gan shares with us a special case of the islands problem:

In your database you keep track of services your company supports in a table called CompanyServices, and each service normally reports about once a minute that it’s online in a table called EventLog. The following code creates these tables and populates them with small sets of sample data:


The special islands task is to identify the availability periods (serviced, starttime, endtime). One catch is that there’s no assurance that a service will report that it’s online exactly every minute; you’re supposed to tolerate an interval of up to, say, 66 seconds from the previous log entry and still consider it part of the same availability period (island). Beyond 66 seconds, the new log entry starts a new availability period. So, for the input sample data above, your solution is supposed to return the following result set (not necessarily in this order):

It’s a neat twist on an old problem.