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Configuring SQL Operations Studio

Ahmad Yaseen demonstrates how to configure SQL Operations Studio as well as writing queries with it:

To customize your connection, click the Advanced button that provides a large number of options that can help you to draw a specific type of connection. For example, you can specify the application workload type when connecting to the server by setting the Application Intent option. You can also override the default Connect Timeout setting, the SQL Server Current Language, the default Column Encryption Setting for all commands on the connection, the Encrypt option to use the SSL encryption for all data sent between the client and the server if there is an installed certificate, Persist Security Info to prevent returning the password as a part of the connection, and use the SSL encryption although there is no certificate in the server by enabling the Trust Server Certificate.

You can also use the Advanced options to specify the number of attempts to restore connection and the delay between attempts using Connect Retry Count and Connect Retry Interval. In addition, you will be able also to specify the maximum and the minimum number of connections allowed in the pool with the ability to force that the connection object is drawn from the appropriate pool, and the minimum amount of time for that connection to live in the pool using Load Balance Timeout. The Failover Partner option allows you to provide the name of the SQL Server instance that acts as a failover partner. You can control the size of the network packets used to communicate with the SQL Server instance using the Packet Size option.

It’s interesting to see just how much you can configure in the tool.