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Using rquery To Speed Up Data Manipulations

John Mount shows off some rquery benchmarks versus dplyr and data.table:

Let’s take a look at rquery’s new “ad hoc” mode (made convenient through wrapr‘s new “wrapr_applicable” feature). This is where rquery works on in-memory data.frame data by sending it to a database, processing on the database, and then pulling the data back. We concede this is a strange way to process data, and not rquery’s primary purpose (the primary purpose being generation of safe high performance SQL for big data engines such as Spark and PostgreSQL). However, our experiments show that it is in fact a competitive technique.

We’ve summarized the results of several experiments (experiment details here) in the following graph (graphing code here). The benchmark task was hand implementing logistic regression scoring. This is an example query we have been using for some time.

There are some nice early results, so it’ll be interesting to watch as this develops.