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Tidytext 0.1.6

Julia Silge announces a new version of tidytext:

I am pleased to announce that tidytext 0.1.6 is now on CRAN!

Most of this release, as well as the 0.1.5 release which I did not blog about, was for maintenance, updates to align with API changes from tidytext’s dependencies, and bugs. I just spent a good chunk of effort getting tidytext to pass R CMD check on older versions of R despite the fact that some of the packages in tidytext’s Suggests require recent versions of R. FUN TIMES. I was glad to get it working, though, because I know that we have users, some teaching on university campuses, etc, who are constrained to older versions of R in various environments.

There are some more interesting updates. For example, did you know about the new-ish stopwords package? This package provides access to stopword lists from multiple sources in multiple languages. If you would like to access these in a list data structure, go to the original package. But if you like your text tidy, I GOT YOU.

Read on for examples and grab the latest version.