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Online Database Object Changes

Michael J Swart continues his online deployment series:

Procedures are very easy to Blue-Green. Brand new procedures are added during the pre-migration phase. Obsolete procedures are dropped during the post-migration phase.

If the procedure is changing but is logically the same, then it can be altered during the pre-migration phase. This is common when the only change to a procedure is a performance improvement.

But if the procedure is changing in other ways. For instance, when a new parameter is added, or dropped, or the resultset is changing. Then use the Blue-Green method to replace it: During the pre-migration phase, create a new version of the procedure. It must be named differently and the green version of the application has to be updated to call the new procedure. The original blue version of the procedure is deleted during the post-migration phase. It’s not always elegant calling a procedure something like s_USERS_Create_v2 but it works.

This has been a great series so far, and the way he does deployments matches very closely to the way we do them.