Ravi Peri explains how to use Apache Storm in .NET code on HDInsight:
Topology submissions can fail due to many reasons:
- JDK is not installed or is not in the Path
- Required java dependencies are not included
- Incompatible java jar dependencies. Example: Storm-eventhub-spouts-9.jar is incompatible with Storm 1.0.1. If you submit a jar with that dependency, topolopgy submission will fail.
- Duplicate names for topologies
/var/log/hdinsight-scpwebapi/hdinsight-scpwebapi.out file on active headnode will contain the error details.
At one point, I was big on Storm and really wanted a .NET client for Storm to take off. Nowadays, I’d rather use Spark Streaming or Kafka Streams for the same kind of streaming data work.