James Morantus has a two-parter on Azure, Active Directory, and Cloudera’s enterprise data hub solution. Part one hits on DNS and Samba:
As you can see, the hostname -f command displays a very long FQDN for my VM and hostname -i gives us the IP address associated with the VM. Next, I did a forward DNS lookup using the host FQDN command, which resolved to the IP address. Then, I did a reverse DNS lookup using host IP–address as shown in the red box above, it did not locate a reverse entry for that IP address. A reverse lookup is a requirement for a CDH deployment. We’ll revisit this later.
Part two looks at tying everything together in the Azure portal as well as within AD:
The remaining steps must be executed as the Cloudera Director admin user you created earlier. In my case, that’s the “azuredirectoradmin” account. All resources created by Cloudera Director in the Azure Portal will be owned by this account. The “root” user is not allowed to create resources on the Azure Portal.
First, we’ll need to create a SSH key as the “azuredirectoradmin” user on the VM where Cloudera Director is installed. This key will be added to our deployment configuration file, which will be added on all the VMs provisioned by Cloudera Director. This will allow us to use passwordless SSH to the cluster nodes with this key.
This isn’t trivial, but considering all that’s going on, it’s rather straightforward.
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