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Biml-Based Audio

Bill Fellows shows the most unique usage of Biml I’ve seen yet:

How often do you need to play audio while you’re compiling your Biml packages? Never? Really? Huh, just me then. Very well, chalk this blog post as one to show you that you really can do *anything* in Biml that you can do in C#.

When I first learned how I can play audio in .NET, I would hook the Windows Media Player dll and use that. The first thing I then did was create an SSIS package that had a script task which played the A-Team theme song while it ran. That was useless but a fun demo. Fast forward to using Biml and I could not for the life of me get the Windows Media Player to correctly embed in a Biml Script Task. I suspect it’s something to do with the COM bindings that Biml doesn’t yet support. Does this mean you shouldn’t use Biml – Hell no. It just means I’ve wandered far into a corner case that doesn’t yet have support.

Read on because it will make you a better person.