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Querying Active Directory From SQL Server

Ryan Adams shows us how to use OPENROWSET and OPENQUERY to connect to a domain controller and query Active Directory using LDAP:

In the code below, the first thing we do is enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries so we can try out the OPENROWSET method.  The advantage to this method is not having a linked server and being able to call it directly out of TSQL.  Once we have that enabled we write our query and you’ll notice that we are essentially doing 2 queries.  The first query is the LDAP query inside the OPENROWSET function.  Once those results are returned we are using another query to get what we want from the result set.  Here is where I want you to stop and think about things.  If my LDAP query pulls back 50 attributes, or “columns” in SQL terms, and I tell it I only want 10 of them, what did I just do?  I brought back a ton of extra data over the wire for no reason because I’m not planning to use it.  What we should see here is that the columns on both SELECT statements are the same.  They do not, however, have to be in the same order.  The reason for that is because LDAP does not guarantee to return results in the same order every time.  The attribute or “column” order in your first SELECT statement determines the order of your final result set.  This gives you the opportunity to alias anything if you need to.

You can query LDAP using SELECT statements, but the syntax isn’t T-SQL, so in my case, it was a bit frustrating getting the data I wanted out of Active Directory because I was used to T-SQL niceties.  Nevertheless, this is a good way of pulling down AD data.