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Category: Warehousing

The Basics of Snowflake Architecture

Arun Sirpal lays out the foundation of Snowflake DB’s architecture:

At the most basic level, Snowflake has 3 important components. The Cloud services layer, centralised storage layer and the compute layer.

Cloud services – they call this the “brains” of snowflake. This is where infrastructure management takes place, the optimiser is based (cost-based), metadata management and security (authentication and access control) are handled.

Read on to learn about the other two layers and how they meet.

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The Importance of a Proper Datamart / Data Warehouse

Teo Lachev explains why you want a datamart (or a data warehouse) for BI solutions:

I sent a proposal for implementing a classic BI solution: Azure SQL-based datamart (not Power BI datamart please), ETL, semantic model, and reports. The client had a sticker shock. Return to sender … as other BI companies that quoted can do it for half! Upon digging, it turned out the other companies would build the semantic model (aka Power BI dataset) directly on top of the data source. On a T&M basis, of course, what else? By contrast, I give fixed-price milestone-driven proposals and I don’t get paid unless I deliver and meet written and agreed upon success criteria, but that’s a different story.

So, let me count the ways as the poet would say. It’s certainly technically possible to slap a dataset on top of the data source(s). That’s what self-service BI is all about right … until it doesn’t serve anymore

Read on for more detail.

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Have One Data Model per Business Area

James McGillivray offers us an important piece of advice:

I cannot stress this enough. If people are consuming your data in multiple places, the data needs to come from the same data model. That can be an Enterprise Data Warehouse, a Data Mart, a Power BI Model, or any other data source, but at some point you need to be able to track the data back to a single place. If you don’t do this, you will spend THE REST OF YOUR DAYS explaining the differences between the data models to business and customers, and reconciling the differences over and over again.

Read on to learn why this is so important.

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Power BI as an Enterprise Data Warehouse

James Serra follows Betteridge’s Law of Headlines:

With Power BI continuing to get many great new features, including the latest in Datamarts (see my blog Power BI Datamarts), I’m starting to hear customers ask “Can I just build my entire enterprise data warehouse solution in Power BI”? In other words, can I just use Power BI and all its built-in features instead of using Azure Data Lake Gen2, Azure Data Factory (ADF), Azure Synapse, Databricks, etc? The short answer is “No”.

Read on to understand why Power BI shouldn’t be your data warehouse.

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Semantics Layers for Data Lakehouses

Jans Aasman explains why semantic modeling is so important for a data lakehouse:

Data lakehouses would not exist — especially not at enterprise scale — without semantic consistency. The provisioning of a universal semantic layer is not only one of the key attributes of this emergent data architecture, but also one of its cardinal enablers.

In fact, the critical distinction between a data lake and a data lakehouse is that the latter supplies a vital semantic understanding of data so users can view and comprehend these enterprise assets. It paves the way for data governance, metadata management, role-based access, and data quality.

For a deeper dive into the topic, Kyle Hale has a post covering this with Databricks and Power BI as examples.

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Power BI Field Parameters and Type 2 SCDs with Bonus Fields

Koen Verbeeck extends the type 2 slowly changing dimension:

Power BI field parameters are a new feature in Power BI Desktop, and it’s one of the best of the past months. In short, Power BI field parameters allow you to easily switch between dimensions attributes or measures in a filter. Previously, you had to do all sorts of DAX wizardry to make this happen, but now it’s just a couple of clicks.

The goal of this blog post is not to tell you exactly how they work, but rather showcase an interesting use case. You can find more info about Power BI field parameters in the official blog post, but also herehere and here. The use case I’m talking about is slowly changing dimensions of Type 2, you know, the one where we insert a record for every change. Often, I also include an extra column for each column of which we’re tracking history: the “current value column”. For example, if we keep history of the department for an employee, I have a column “CurrentDepartment”. If a type 2 change occurs, the values of this columns are updated to the last known value for this dimension member. This allows to answer different types of questions, because sometimes users are interested in the historical values, but sometimes they just want to know the current value.

Read on for the use case as well as how you might combine field parameters with the idea of current values on type-2 slowly changing dimensions.

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Finding Duplicates in Type 2 SCDs

Dinesh Asanka wants to verify some Type 2 slowly changing dimension results:

As we discussed in a previous article, Implementing Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) in Data Warehouses, there are three main types of slowly changing dimensions, such as Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Out of these Type 1 is the simple dimension where you will simply maintain only the latest version of the attribute. For example, if the employee got promoted to Senior Software Engineer from Software Engineer, you will simply overwrite the existing value to the new value so that the historical aspect is lost.

Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimensions are used to track historical data in a data warehouse. This is the most common approach in dimension. This article uses a sample database of AdventureworksDW which is the sample database for the data warehouse.

Click through for one way to compare, one which you could build using dynamic SQL.

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Optimizing Hive Performance with Tez

Jay Desai has some recommendations around tuning Tez queries:

Tuning Hive on Tez queries can never be done in a one-size-fits-all approach. The performance on queries depends on the size of the data, file types, query design, and query patterns. During performance testing, evaluate and validate configuration parameters and any SQL modifications. It is advisable to make one change at a time during performance testing of the workload, and would be best to assess the impact of tuning changes in your development and QA environments before using them in production environments. Cloudera WXM can assist in evaluating the benefits of query changes during performance testing.

Click through for several configuration and query considerations.

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