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Category: Visualization

Creating an Info Button in Power BI

Kristyna Hughes shows how to create an info tooltip in Power BI:

The steps below will walk through how to add an information icon to the report, making a tooltip page containing your additional information, and enabling the tooltip to allow users to hover over the icon and see the information.

This can be quite useful, especially as it gets context information out of the way of users after they don’t need it anymore. That’s important for dashboards you expect people to look at regularly.

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Playing with gganimate

Tomaz Kastrun tries out gganimate:

I firmly believe that animation and transition between different data states can give end-users much better insights and understanding of the data, than a single table with data points or correlation metrics.

With help of ggplot, gganimate, you can quickly create an animation based on your needs. This is a simple IRIS dataset example.

You can find more at the gganimate website. The real downside is that I don’t think it’s being maintained any longer, as the last commit was a year ago.

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Tips for Better Graphs

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic shares a couple recommendations:

When creating a graph to explain something to someone else, I recommend that you declutter and focus attention. These concepts are not new. We have taught and written about them—directly and indirectly—many times before. I wrote about them again when drafting my new book, but then decided to take a different approach. Rather than relinquish my original words to a dismal fate in my computer’s trash bin, I thought perhaps they might still be of use here. After all, even if we’ve shared good advice before, sometimes it bears repeating.

Those are great general principles and Cole has specific examples of the principles in action.

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Combining flashlight and plotly in R

Michael Mayer analyzes candidate models:

Since almost all plots in flashlight are constructed with ggplot, it is super easy to turn them into interactive plotly objects: just add a simple ggplotly() to the end of the call.

However… it is not straightforward to show interactive plots in a blog! Thus, we show only screenshots of the resulting plots here and refer to the complete HTML report here:

We will use a sweet dataset with more than 20’000 houses to model house prices by a set of derived features such as the logarithmic living area. The location will be represented by the postal code.

Click through for the blog post or check out the report.

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Viridis Color Palettes in Power BI

Meagan Longoria shares a few themes:

I am a fan of the viridis color palettes available in python and R, so I decided to make Power BI theme files for each of the 4 color maps (viridis, inferno, magma, plasma). These color palettes are not only lovely to look at, they are colorblind/CVD friendly and perceptually uniform (or close to it).

The screenshots below show the colors you’ll get when you use my theme files.

Click through to get the theme files and some additional advice from Meagan in the GitHub repo itself.

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Simplifying a Complex Multi-Visual Chart

Amy Esselman re-designs a mess of a chart:

When faced with any unfamiliar but complicated graph, it can be helpful to think about it piece by piece to gain a better understanding of what’s being communicated. That way, we’ll have a better handle on how we can improve the overall visual. 

The goal of this chart is to allow managers to compare their store’s performance against its forecasted range and the actual performance of other stores in the region. 

Click through for the full process.

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Including Zero on Charts

Steve Jones thinks about zero:

I’m not great at building charts and graphs. I can build a basic chart, but I often depend on the tooling I use to size, scale, etc. appropriately for whatever I’m graphing. That, or I just use a basic graph that starts from zero and has some sort of linear scale. Or I just present a table of numbers.

There are plenty of misleading charts, especially used by the media that want to show some particular aspect of data that suits the story they are reporting. Many of these misleading charts often don’t start at zero, and they end up scaling in a way that can confuse people.

Steve references a lengthy article on the topic, one which is definitely worth the read, especially because as far as I’m aware, most of the academic literature on visualization and starting at 0 ignores line charts. The only work I’m familiar with is Cleveland, McGill, and McGill, who recommended banking to 45 degrees (and here’s an example of it in SAS).

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Building a Gantt Chart with Power BI Paginated Reports

Paul Turley unlocks one of my guilty pleasures:

A Gantt chart is a running list of activities with the duration for each displayed as a horizontal bar depicting the beginning and ending day along a horizontal scale. The challenge is that this is not a standard chart type in either Power BI or SSRS/Paginated Reports. Furthermore, project planners may prefer to see activities as rows in the format of a printed page, as you can see in this example:

I like Gantt charts more than is probably healthy. Paul shows a method which isn’t exactly easy but it does the trick.

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Emphasizing One Data Point in Excel

Elizabeth Ricks makes a point:

Today’s post is a tactical one: how to highlight a data point in Excel. 

When we craft visualizations for explanatory purposes—that is, when there’s a specific finding or recommendation that we want to communicate to someone specific—our goal is to drive action. In those cases,  our visuals should emphasize what’s interesting in the data and what requires attention. Highlighting key points in our graph is an important step in creating successful explanatory communications.

Read on for examples as well as how to do this.

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